STIDC remains one of state’s top earners — Regional manager BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News » Sabah - New 2 Borneo |
- STIDC remains one of state’s top earners — Regional manager
- Nasyid Festival to be held on Dec 7
- Land is yours until you sell it, assures Temenggong
- No EIA report from firm in Mount Serumbu mess — NREB controller
- Govt spends RM1.2m per family affected by Murum Dam
- Keep up with ICT, Talip tells youths
STIDC remains one of state’s top earners — Regional manager Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:25 PM PST by Salena Pail, Posted on November 26, 2013, Tuesday MIRI: The timber industry has undergone tremendous development since early 1970s, with Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC) spearheading the development of wood-based industries in the state. STIDC Northern Region manager Jerry Mawan Lading also said STIDC had made tremendous advances since its inception 40 years ago – from basic log extraction mainly in swamp areas, to hill logging and to manufacture of sophisticated finished products for the worldwide export market. "For many years now the timber industry still remains as one of the state's major income earners in terms of foreign export value and employment after petroleum, natural gas and palm oil," he said during the 40th anniversary of STIDC on Sunday. Recounting the early days, Jerry said STIDC established its divisional offices in Sibu, Bintulu and Miri in 1983. "The office here was manned by not more than five staff members mainly to collect production figures and employment records. "Throughout the years, these functions have greatly increased, among others, the grading of sawn timber, registration of companies and issuance of export permit for timber export," he added. With the increased responsibilities and limited resources, he said STIDC began to embark on various quality improvement programmes to improve the delivery system to meet increasing expectation from industry players. "By the year 2009, several processes namely registration, grading and issuance of export licences were successfully MS ISO certified," he said. Some 200 guests attended the 40th anniversary celebration. Among them was STIDC general manager Datuk Sarudu Hoklai. To enable your comment to be published, please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. This includes vulgar user names. ![]() |
Nasyid Festival to be held on Dec 7 Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:23 PM PST KUCHING: Sri Aman is to host the upcoming state-level Sarawak Nasyid Festival this coming Dec 7. The event to be held at Sri Aman Civic Centre from 8pm onwards aims to encourage appreciation of nasyid songs. It is organised in collaboration with Sarawak Islamic Council, Sri Aman District Resident Office as well as state and federal government agencies, "This year's Sarawak Nasyid Festival is expected to be officiated by Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and wife Puan Sri Ragad Kurdi Taib," said Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman at a press conference at the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) Building here yesterday. According to him, the festival comes under two categories – traditional and modern – each category participated by five teams. In the traditional category, Kuching will be represented by teams Eye-Man and Az-Zufar, Sibu by Na'Aila and Putera Al-Haq while Limbang by Suara Pejuang. In the modern category, Samarahan will be represented by teams D'Uteqma and Sri Puteri whereas As'Sobirin, Balqis and Azka will represent Sri Aman, Sibu and Limbang respectively. "Attractive prizes comprising cash prizes, trophies and certificates will be awarded to the winning teams," he said. The champion in both categories will walk away with RM5,000, trophy and certificates. "The runners-up will bag RM3,500 while three consolation prizes of RM2,000 are up for grabs." In addition to these, cash prizes of RM1,000 will be awarded to teams with the Best Lyrics, Best Song, Best Performance and Best Musical Arrangement. To enable your comment to be published, please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. This includes vulgar user names. ![]() |
Land is yours until you sell it, assures Temenggong Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:22 PM PST KUCHING: Several Kampung Sikog villagers whose native customary rights (NCR) lands fall within the area proposed for the clinker project extension will never lose their land unless they agree to sell them. This assurance was given by Kuching Division Bidayuh community leader Temenggong Austin Dimin, who confirmed to The Borneo Post here yesterday that the clinker company had actually earmarked a portion of land near the village for extension of its plant but said the landowners should not be unduly worried as the company could never take any part of the land without their approval. "The good thing here is that the government has directed CMS, which is the company operating the clinker plant project within the area, to seek the opinion of the landowners whether they agree to sell their land or not, instead of acquiring the land straight away without giving any option as in some cases in the past. "In this case, villagers whose lands are within the area earmarked for the proposed project extension are given options. The options are whether they agree to sell their land to the company, rent, royalty or they totally disagree to all three options and this is the model that our government can always apply in dealing with NCR," he said. Dimin revealed that he was requested to chair a meeting between the company and the landowners about two weeks ago to seek the opinion of the villagers concerned in his capacity as a community leader for Bidayuhs in Kuching Division. "During that meeting I made it very clear that the company can only take the land if the owners are willing to sell them. For those who refuse their decision must be respected and their land must not be disturbed," he explained, making clear that he would not be involved in price negotiation if some landowners agreed to sell their lands. He said in its pursuit to expand its project site, apart from respecting the rights of the locals, the company should also be mindful of the sacred places and cultural heritage of the community involved so that the local people would not feel suppressed and oppressed. Meanwhile, several landowners who met The Borneo Post in Kampung Sikog on Sunday night said they would not let go their NCR land to the company. "For those who want to sell their land let them. We don't stop them but for us we are not going to sell ours. The reason is very simple because for most of us this is the last piece of land that we have and if we let it go now next time our children and grandchildren will become landless and in the end will be squatters on their own land. "That is why we are going to use all our might to protect our land from being encroached or acquired for whatever purposes," they said. The landowners, about 20 of them, claimed that their NCR land had been surveyed by private surveyors engaged by CMS without their knowledge and consent. "Many of our fruit trees were also cut down in the process and such action is really challenging our patience. Before they come in to conduct a survey in our area at least they should inform our village headman. "In this case, our headman had told us that even he was never informed before the survey was done. The other thing which is very disturbing is there has been a letter with our names and identity card numbers on it and endorsed by our village chieftain saying we all have agreed to sell our land which is untrue. "We have never been approached by anyone as to whether we want to sell our land or not. Even if there was, our response will still be the same; that is we will never sell our land. We will protect our land with all our might," they said. To enable your comment to be published, please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. This includes vulgar user names. ![]() |
No EIA report from firm in Mount Serumbu mess — NREB controller Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:21 PM PST KUCHING: The company that was given a licence to quarry the historical Mount Serumbu in Bau has not submitted its environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for approval. State Natural Resource and Environment Board (NREB) controller Peter Sawal confirmed this when contacted by The Borneo Post yesterday. "As far as I can tell, earlier on the company came to see us to discuss the terms of reference to conduct EIA studies. "But so far their EIA report has not been submitted to NREB for approval," said Peter. When asked how the company manage to obtain the licence without the EIA report, Peter replied that the licencing was not under NREB's jurisdiction. He said these in response to a peaceful demonstration by some 50 people, including Chinese, Malay and Bidayuh community leaders, near Mount Serumbu on Sunday. Residents from 17 villages in the vicinity of Mount Serumbu want the government to revoke the licence as they claimed the area is their ancestral land. Advisor to the 17 villages, Stephen Sinyum Mitit, said the area around the mountain had been cultivated by their forefathers well before the Brooke era and it was steeped in history and had vast tourism potential. Among others, the first White Rajah James Brooke built a cottage there and the mountain also boasts the world-renowned British scientist Alfred Wallace's Trail. Meanwhile, Bengoh assemblyman Datuk Dr Jerip Susil said he is aware of the situation on the ground, and said he was very happy that the villagers held a peaceful protest to stand up for the rights. Dr Jerip, who is also Assistant Minister of Public Health, said nobody should trespass into other people's land. "I'm happy that they (protest) in such a way. There must be a dialogue between all interested parties and the villagers (to resolve this matter)." During the dialogue session, all issues ought to be raised to prevent any misunderstanding from arising. "I believe the villagers protested because they have not been consulted. The villagers have the right to be consulted and to know what is going on. They have the right to ensure that their land is protected." When asked whether he would speak to the authorities concerned to resolve this issue, Dr Jerip said he would To enable your comment to be published, please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. This includes vulgar user names. ![]() |
Govt spends RM1.2m per family affected by Murum Dam Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:20 PM PST by Reporters: Marilyn Ten, Jonathan Chia, Antonia Chiam, Lim How Pim, Saiful Bahari and Joanna Yap, Photographers: Muhammad Rais Sanusi, Chimon Upon, Kong Jun Liong and Tan Song Wei. Posted on November 26, 2013, Tuesday KUCHING: The government spends an average of RM1.2 million per household of the affected communities in Murum for facilities and schemes. Public Utilities Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said the affected communities were provided with much better living facilities than what they had before. He pointed out that apart from better housing complete with water, electricity and basic amenities, the government also gave compensation benefits, facilities and livelihood restoration programmes to help them become self sufficient. "They are given re-location assistance of RM15,000 per household; provision of roads, schools, clinics and places of worship; monthly income support equivalent to RM850 per household for up to three years; support based on needs basis for the fifth year and land allocation of 15 hectares for cash-crop plantation, and home garden with training programme," Awang Tengah said in his winding up speech for his ministry at the State Legislative Assembly here yesterday. He was responding to issues brought up by Pujut and Kidurong assemblymen Fong Pau Teck and Chiew Chiu Sing respectively. On top of that, he said the affected communities also had access to about 20,000 hectares of forest to forage and hunt, thus allowing them the choice to continue with their traditional livelihood. Awang Tengah said the affected communities in Murum were resettled at Tegulang and Metalun after extensive engagements with them. "In fact, these consultations began in the early years of the Murum project during the preliminary design stage. "This is clearly shown by the fact that the dam design and location were altered based on the advice of the affected communities to preserve the site where the Penan's sacred rock (Batu Tungun) is situated." He said that despite the unreasonable and illogical demands put forward by a very small group of the affected communities, their resettlement programme had been planned and implemented properly. "The affected communities were consulted on the site of the resettlement, design of the longhouses and the amenities to be provided. All these were made based on their choices and suggestions. "Therefore, it is wrong to allege that the affected communities were never consulted." With regard to the implementation of Baram Dam as raised by Fong, Awang Tengah said the government had not finalised the project implementation until the feasibility study, including Social Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) and other investigations, had been completed. "In the event that the project materialised, the Barisan Nasional government will ensure that the affected communities are duly engaged and consulted." He said the government had been guided by international practices and standards in implementing hydropower electric projects. To enable your comment to be published, please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. This includes vulgar user names. ![]() |
Keep up with ICT, Talip tells youths Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:19 PM PST KUCHING: The young generation, especially youths, has been urged to equip themselves with technical know-how on using the latest information, communication and technology (ICT) equipment to become an efficient workforce. In making this call, Assistant Tourism Minister Datuk Talip Zulpilip said this will enable them to facilitate work processes besides speeding up workflow in jobs. "Things have changed and we have to adapt to use of new technology. Malaysians, especially the youths, have to realise how important these new (electronic) gadgets are in bringing innovation into their lives. "A simple gadget brings a lot of benefit such as the tablet which can send messages, take down notes, take picture or recording video. These are some of the advantages that a gadget can bring into a person's life. "(Therefore) let us do things in a new way," he told reporters before opening 'Buddy Gadgets', a new electronic gadgets store at Plaza Merdeka Shopping Complex here on Sunday night. Likewise, Buddy Gadgets operations director Melvin Ong believes and said the company will continue to bring in innovative products and gadgets at all times with reasonable prices to the local people here. He is confident that his products will be well-received in the ICT-conscious era. Being a Sarawakian company, he said the company through its parent company Karuna (Sarawak) Enterprise Sdn Bhd, has managed to become the sole distributor for Quirky brand, a famous electronics equipment and gadgets company producing innovative products through ideas from people around the world. Ong noted that one of its best achievements includes selling over 30,000 units of slim power banks in the United States within three days online. Going forward, he said Karuna aims to be the top notch distributor of power banks in Malaysia. Besides that, he revealed Buddy Gadgets is also distributing other personal care, kitchen and home appliances ranging from some of the renowned brands such as Celluon from South Korea, Katadyn from the Switzerland, Philips from Holland and Odoyo from Japan. The company, which was established for more than four years ago, is expected to open a new showroom in West Malaysia early next year. Ong said this will allow the company to cater for its West Malaysian customers besides expanding its business in the future. To enable your comment to be published, please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. This includes vulgar user names. ![]() |
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