
Cops comb scene of student’s murder BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News » Sabah - New 2 Borneo

Cops comb scene of student’s murder

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 02:13 PM PST

by Margaret Ringgit, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 6, 2014, Monday

MIRI: Police are re-combing for clues the house at Jalan Jati 1, Senadin where Mu Tshun Vui, 19, from Sandakan, Sabah, was brutally beaten and killed.

At a press conference yesterday afternoon, Miri police chief ACP Mun Kock Keong disclosed that they were all out to solve the case and nab the culprits.

Mu's body was found by his housemate on Saturday afternoon around 2pm, lying in a pool of blood with injury on his forehead.

Mu was a second-year business student of a private university here.

"The case is being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder," said Mun.

Mun said initial investigation revealed the intruders had entered the house via the main entrance by cutting off the door's grill latch.

"The door was broken by force … there were four rooms in the house, of which three were broken into … and one gas cylinder missing," he added.

He called on the public, especially those residing near the area, to call the nearest police station or investigating officer ASP Zainan Azili at 011-12099878 if they happen to see suspicious individuals carrying a gas cylinder.

When asked on Mu's time of death, Mun said the police were not sure.

Police believe the victim was hit with a blunt object and more than one intruder was involved in the robbery-cum-murder.

A post-mortem on Mu's body will be conducted tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Mu's parent arrived in Miri on Saturday night to identify his body.

Mu was renting the double-storey house with four friends — two Sabahans, one from Johor  and a Sarawakian (from Bintangor).

According to his friend, Eden Boo, 18, who was met on Saturday, Mu was due to fly back for his semester break two days earlier than his housemates.

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Narrow escape for man after car plunges into monsoon drain

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 02:12 PM PST

KUCHING: A man in his 20s cheated death after his car plunged into a monsoon drain near Jalan Stakan here early yesterday morning.

The vehicle went out of control while negotiating a corner and crashed into a railing before plunging into the drain around 1am.

Fortunately the car's window was open and he swam out, escaping unhurt.

His family was informed and they rushed to the scene.

Bomba and police were alerted on the incident.

It is learnt that it took two attempts before the vehicle was pulled out from the drain.

According to sources, in the first attempt, the rope used to pull the car snapped and it fell back into the drain.

It was dragged out from the drain the second time around 4.30am.

A resident nearby said many complaints on the railing were lodged with the local authority.

They claimed that someone had cut the railing in an attempt to steal the metal two years ago but failed.

Their complaint fell on deaf ears with no action taken.

In unrelated case, an elderly couple escaped with minor injuries after they were involved in a self-accident  at Jalan  Stephen Yong early yesterday evening.

In the around 1pm incident, the 82-year-old victim and his 72-year-old wife from Mile 4, Jalan Kuching-Serian crashed into a traffic light while heading towards Batu Kawa in a Proton Iswara.

Both of them were sent to Sarawak General Hospital for treatment.

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Isolation may be cause for escalating crime cases — Lee

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 02:12 PM PST

MIRI: Being quite isolated and far from the city centre might be among the reasons for the growing cases of criminal activities in Desa Senadin, a new township in the northern part of Miri.

"I received a number of complaints on criminal activities particularly house breaking and theft here. There are also snatch theft cases reported," said Senadin assemblyman Datuk Lee Kim Shin when visiting a robbery-cum-murder scene here yesterday.

Mu Tshun Vui, 19, from Sandakan, Sabah, was found dead in a rented double-storey house at Jalan Jati 1, Senadin.

"I was very shocked and saddened by this tragic loss of life of a young man. I want police to take immediate action and really track down by all means the culprits responsible for his murder," said Lee.

At the same time, he urged the police to beef up safety and security in Desa Senadin, stressing there was a need to conduct an exercise in the area to weed out criminals who might be making Senadin their hideout and a place to commit crime.

"The criminals and would-be criminals might be thinking they are safe and spared from the watchful eyes of the authorities, particularly police. The exercise is not only to comb the area and weed out criminals but also to deter would-be criminals," said Lee.

Among the measures he proposed were frequent patrols by the police and forming a team with Rela, the neighbourhood committee, housing developers in the area and Curtin University.

"The regular patrolling activities in the area and at night will enhance the safety and security aspect. The activities and presence of these bodies, particularly police, will make the residents feel safe while keeping criminals and would-be criminals at bay," he added.

Meanwhile, Lee said people themselves must be alert and cooperate with the police by reporting suspicious characters and activities in their area, and told the police to act immediately after receiving information from the people.

As a long-term measure, he suggested that a police station be built in Senadin, while the police consider building a 'pondok polis' to make its presence felt.

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Tshun Vui a good son — Grieving parents

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 02:12 PM PST

MIRI: "I thought Miri is a safe place for my boy to study," said the grief-stricken mother of Mu Tshun Vui.

Mu's parents were spotted at the Miri Hospital mortuary Saturday night, after arriving from Sandakan around 10pm.

They described Mu as a good and obedient son, as he never wanted to burden them with expenses for his studies.

At one point, Mu's mother was heard uttering: "Come home, my son … come home, son" while staring at the mortuary's entrance where the body of her son was placed while waiting for a post-mortem.

They were later brought inside the mortuary to identify the body of their son, who was brutally killed in his rented double-storey house at Jalan Jati 1  Saturday.

Accompanying them was Pujut assemblyman Alan Ling.

Both grieving parents  were seen speaking to investigating officer ASP Zainan Azili at the mortuary compound.

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‘Impian Sarawak’ won’t dent BN’s fortress, says Mawan

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 02:11 PM PST

KUCHING: SPDP president Tan Sri William Mawan is unfazed by DAP's plan to implement nine more 'Impian Sarawak' projects in the rural areas, including in his constituency of Pakan.

He said there was nothing to stop the DAP from giving service to the community, including those in Pakan, but he believed their efforts would not be able to erode Barisan Nasional (BN)'s support base.

"DAP can contribute in whatever way they can by giving service to the community, since it is within their rights. If it is good, it is good. If it is bad, it is bad.

"They may score some political points with these projects, but there is a point that they could not go beyond when trying to unseat BN in those seats. There are many BN supporters who are forward thinking and are not easily taken in by promises and cheap talk from the DAP," he said yesterday.

Mawan, who is also Social Development Minister, said this when asked to comment on plans by DAP to launch nine more projects under its `Impian Sarawak' initiative in the first quarter of this year.

The party's state chairman Chong Chieng Jen said the identified projects would be implemented in the state constituencies of Pakan, Kedup, Marudi, Batu Danau, Repok, Tarat, Bawang Assan, Kidurong and Lanang.

The first of these projects would be at Ulu Wak, Pakan, Julau, where a new gravity-feed water system would be erected there to replace the existing one that is failing due to drought and decaying pipes.

'Impian Sarawak' is trumpeted as an initiative by the DAP to provide basic infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity for the rural communities. It forms part of their 'Go Rural' strategy to win the support of rural voters as the party aims to contest in more rural-based seats in the 11th state election.

Since its launching in October last year, three projects had been implemented, namely a gravity-feed water system in Kampung Sait Muk Ayun, Bengoh, upgrading of Rumah Gawai in Serikin, Bau (Tasik Biru) and oil palm seedling supply project to farmers in Sebujok, Ulu Undup, Sri Aman.

Meanwhile, PBB Supreme Council member Martin Ben said the `Impian Sarawak' projects were merely a political agenda of the DAP to penetrate into the rural areas.

He said he was not surprised with the inclusion of Kedup as beneficiary of a new gravity-feed water system since it is widely known that the DAP was eyeing the seat.

"As the elected representative in Kedup, I will not stop the DAP from implementing the project to complement the government in ensuring consistent water supply in Kedup.

"It is nothing new as most of the villages are going to enjoy treated water soon anyway."

He pointed out that Infrastructure Development and Communications Minister Dato Sri Michael Manyin had already announced efforts to complete pipe installations clustered under the Mentung Merau/ Mongkos region so that the people there could receive treated water from the recently-expanded Serian water treatment plant at Slabi.

"The new water treatment plant (with 75 million litres daily capacity) is sufficient to cater to the needs of the people in Kedup. A bit more time is needed to ensure the water can be supplied to everyone here.

"The government never neglects the needs of the people, but not all things can be settled immediately. What is certain is that the people, especially those in the rural areas, will eventually get to enjoy the facilities and infrastructures on par with urban areas."

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Higher stock level proposed

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 02:11 PM PST

by Yunus Yussop, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 6, 2014, Monday

Essential items in forward bases may last 7 days, instead of the current 3
TATAU: The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development has proposed that the stock of essential items in forward bases nationwide should last seven days instead of the current three.

Its minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim said the proposal was presented to the government because her ministry was responsible for ensuring the welfare of flood victims.

"We have to ensure that the disaster kits are sufficient for all the victims," she told reporters after a flood briefing given by Tatau district officer Nyurak Keti at Tatau District Office yesterday.

Rohani said there were 85 forward bases in the state, but the supply of essential items at each one of them could only last  three days.

"Tatau has three forward bases, and I would like to congratulate everyone concerned for distributing the supplies to the victims."

On the special disaster committee meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin last January 3, she said one area that was deliberated upon was the need to strengthen logistics management by allocating more assets to the agencies involved.

In the case of Sarawak, for instance, State National Security Council chairman Datuk Patinggi  Tan Sri Alfred Jabu requested for 40 Horse Power (HP) boats, and 10 such boats were immediately approved for the time being.

"These boats can ferry 15 people at any one time."

Rohani said the meeting also discussed the need for the National Security Council to come out with a different and more detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) when dealing with extreme disasters.

In other words, she said, all agencies involved in tackling natural disasters, including the Social Welfare Department, had a lot of work to do to improve their efficiency.

"During the meeting, the private sector was also urged to get involved in helping flood victims. For example, they could help by converting their warehouse into temporary relief centres, especially for those living near the affected areas."

On the rainy season, Rohani said everyone should be on the alert as the Meteorology Department had warned that rain and bad weather conditions were expected to persist until March this year.

As of January 4, a total of 137 areas in Sarawak were flooded, affecting 21,485 people from 3,881 families. Total relief assistance for the victims amounted to RM215,045.

Miri was the worst hit, with 70 areas, followed by Sibu (26), Mukah (20), Betong (5), Sri Aman and Sarikei (4 each), Bintulu and Kuching (3 each), and Samarahan (2).

In Bintulu, only three areas were badly affected, involving 149 people from 39 families.

In Tatau, three areas were flooded, namely Kampung Dagang, Kampung Baru and Kampung Seberang, involving 31 families.

To-date, 98 evacuees from 28 families are still staying at Tatau Sports centre, which was converted into a relief centre.

"This morning, we received reports on landslide at the back of Rumah Nibong and flooding at Rumah Ado. Police personnel has been stationed nearby these areas to lend a helping hand should the water level continue to rise," said Rohani, who distributed cash to flood victims at the relief centre.

The donations were from Yayasan Kebajikan Negara.

Also present were Deputy Bintulu Resident Richard Michael Abunawas, Senator Datuk Pau Chiong Ung and senior officers from Social Welfare Department.

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