
Motorcyclist and pedestrian killed in collision BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News » Sabah - New 2 Borneo

Motorcyclist and pedestrian killed in collision

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:25 AM PST

SRI AMAN: A motorcyclist and a pedestrian were killed after the former collided into the latter at KM6 Jalan Sri Aman-Lingga here yesterday.

The two 53-year-old victims were identified as Akim Jaafar and Libau Dingih.

District police chief DSP Mat Jusoh Mohamad said the accident occurred not far from Rumah Kampung Putat, around 7.30am, when Akim and his wife, who were travelling on a motorcycle, collided into Libau, who was walking along the road.

"The impact of the collision flung Akim off his motorcycle and he succumbed at the scene from serious head injuries. Initial investigation revealed he was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident," said Mat Jusoh in a statement to The Borneo Post.

He added that Libau was left seriously hurt from the collision and was rushed to the Sri Aman hospital where he later died at 11.50am.

Akim's wife, 51-year-old Rahmah Kolot, suffered light injuries and received outpatient treatment at the same hospital.

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Threat against CM case: Suspect released on police bail, with two sureties

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:24 AM PST

KUCHING: The man who was remanded for allegedly threatening the chief minister via a recent Facebook posting was released on police bail with two local sureties yesterday.

He has to report himself to the investigating officer every month until investigation is completed.

His lawyer Dominique Ng, who is the former Padungan assemblyman, was present during the signing of the police bail forms at Tabuan Jaya police station.

He said no charges had been filed against his 33-year-old client yet as police had yet to wrap up their investigation.

"I am defending him for free because I still do strongly believe in freedom of speech and in expression that is guaranteed under our Constitution.

"He (client) has done nothing that is criminal … only giving vent to his feelings of frustrations with the injustice that exist in our society today – where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer," he told The Borneo Post yesterday.

His client was alleged to have posted on his Facebook page an article attacking Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, and that it contained words that imply he would hurt Taib.

He was arrested at about 9.10pm on Dec 30, 2013 at Kuching International Airport (KIA) following a report lodged against him at Gita police station on Dec 28, and was remanded until Jan 3.

The remand was granted by Court Registrar Abdul Razak Senawi, and he was investigated under Section 507 of the Penal Code for Criminal Intimidation.

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Shop owner loses goods, valuables in break-in

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:23 AM PST

SIBU: A shop owner lost about RM2,000 worth of goods and valuables when his shop at Laichee Lane here was broken into yesterday.

He discovered the break-in when he opened his shop at 7am.

The burglars were believed to have entered the shop through the front door.

According to the shopkeeper, among the items missing were a laptop, RM500 in coins, and about 30 packets of cigarette.

This was his first encounter with a break-in over the last 14 years of doing business at the shop which opens at 7am and closes around 10pm daily.

A senior citizen from the neighbourhood claimed that she heard noises from the shop around 4am and thought it was the owner who came to open the shop for business.

She also claimed to have seen two men leaving the shop on a motorcycle a short while later.

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‘Bible seizure violates constitution’

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:22 AM PST

by Lian Cheng, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 4, 2014, Saturday

KUCHING: Chairman of Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) Archbishop Bolly Lapok branded the act of raiding Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) which resulted in two arrests and the seizing of more than 300 copies of Bibles as 'an act of treason'.

"If an action assumes such arrogance that violates the Federal Constitution and pays total disregard to the Prime Minister's directive is not treason, I do not know what is," said ACS in a statement yesterday.

ACS was responding to the Selangor State Islamic Affairs Department (Jais)'s raid of BSM which took place on Jan 2 where two arrests were made and 320 copies of Al-Kitab as well as 10 copies of Bup Kudus (Bible of Iban Langauge) were seized.

Describing the raid as 'shocking', ACS reminded those involved in the 10-point agreement issued by the Federal Cabinet on April 2011 to address Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia Bible and other related issues.

The first two points being – "Bibles in all languages can be imported into the country, including Bahasa Malaysia/ Indonesia" and "These Bibles can also be printed locally in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak".

ACS said the dispute over the use of the word "Allah" had poisoned the nation's inter-religious relation and tearing the fabric of Malaysian plural society.

"In the face of the unrelenting dispute, a voice of reason among us has called for all citizens to respect, honour and abide by the guarantee of religious freedom as enshrined in the Federal Constitution and which was agreed to when Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaya to form Malaysia.

"I would urge that in our handling of such a sensitive issue, it is imperative that we exercise maximum restraint and without undue prejudice. Our action will either convict or commend us before men and God. JAIS has much to answer for its action," said the Archbishop for South East Asia.

Meanwhile, the Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) called on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and other Christian lawmakers to act immediately to stop the seizure of Bibles.

In a statement dated yesterday, CCM also called upon the churches in the country to stay calm and pray that the proper authorities would act with wisdom and sensitivity and protect religious rights as provided under the Federal Constitution.

Expressing alarm over the raid at the beginning of 2014, CCM pointed out that the Islamic authorities did not have the authority in law to enter the premises of non-Muslim religious establishments for inspection, search or raid.

"The Federal Constitution guarantees by Article 11 (3) the right of religious communities of Malaysia to establish and maintain institutions and premises to freely profess and administer their affairs," said the statement.

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Chong calls for calm over Bible seizure

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:22 AM PST

KUCHING: State DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen urged the people to stay calm over the seizure of bibles in Selangor, and stay focused on the nation's economic policies.

Chong described the seizure as "yet another typical ploy by Umno to divert people's attention from all the various policies that had caused prices to hike".

"Umno plays out racial and religious sentiments when they see people are against their policies.

"I urge all sectors to remain calm, firm and not give in to unreasonable demands by Umno," he said at a press conference yesterday.

Chong said it was imperative for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to make a stance on the persistent issue concerning Allah and Christian bibles.

"Silence is not golden in this instance. Does his silence means he endorses what is happening?" he questioned.

On a separate note, Chong, who is Bandar Kuching MP, said the DAP Impian Sarawak project was gaining momentum in all the places that they have been reaching out to.

"We have received very good response and for Tasik Biru area alone, we have 102 new self-paying members. It is a good start for 2014.

"We have also launched the second issue of our Malay and Iban language newsletter and will be distributing them to the rural areas, free of charge," he said.

On the recent invitation by Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang to have a dialogue concerning the traffic woes in Kota Sentosa, Chong said he had accepted the invitation.

"I will be meeting Lo and his council members next Monday morning for the dialogue session.

"In order to address the issue better, I will be bringing along two or few residents who had grown up in Kota Sentosa.

"They will be able to explain to MPP how the situation has worsened since the closure of the road median break at Jalan Liu Shan Bang last month," he said.

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Community leaders must have positive attitude — Wong

Posted: 03 Jan 2014 11:21 AM PST

by Joash Kong, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 4, 2014, Saturday

KUCHING: Community leaders must always be cordial, positive, fair and professional.

Minister of Local Government and Community Development Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, who made the call during the 2014 Kuching Suburban Community Leaders Working Dinner on Thursday, advised them to never think they are superior to others.

"Always remain cordial and positive. Do not allow yourself to be passive when dealing with things that require your action.

"Whoever can do it, just go ahead and do it."

He also advised community leaders to continually update themselves.

"Community leaders should always be masterful when it comes to knowledge, for example, on government regulations and how to apply for them."

Wong also stressed the importance for community leaders to be able to distinguish right from wrong, and not to be misled by rumours.

"Modern society has changed. Unlike in the past, a person's view on certain things is purely that person's personal opinion.

"However, nowadays any message can spread rapidly in a short time through the internet," he said, adding that what one reads online could be lies or are baseless.

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