
<b>Sabah</b> autonomy has become mainstream — SAPP – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Berita Sabah - News 2 Sabah

<b>Sabah</b> autonomy has become mainstream — SAPP – BorneoPost <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:54 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: Sabahans have already succeeded in bringing the issue of Sabah autonomy into the mainstream of Sabah politics, said Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee.

He said this itself was already a breakthrough achievement for Sabah and the trend in Sabah and Sarawak was surging towards autonomy.

"Every political party, and some NGOs, have been forced to trumpet autonomy as their platforms. This is because the people of Sabah have made autonomy our central political objective. As a result, any party that dreams of winning the hearts and minds of Sabahans now must at least promise autonomy to Sabah, whether they (those parties) mean it or not," said Yong, whose party SAPP was the first to champion Sabah autonomy when it left the Barisan Nasional coalition government in 2008.

In his first comments about the prospects of Sabah in the new year, Yong said it is crystal clear now that no political party dare to speak against autonomy for Sabah, to the extent that even Malaya parties have to promise Sabah autonomy.

"Contrast this to five years ago when SAPP first called for Sabah autonomy, many political parties, including Umno, PKR and DAP had criticised SAPP claiming that Sabah autonomy is not possible.

"The reality of Sabah's political strengths in determining who forms the federal government has made it necessary for the Umno president/BN chairman cum Prime Minister to declare that Sabah autonomy is guaranteed in the 20 points spirit and the Malaysia Agreement. Dato Seri Najib had made this declaration while campaigning in April 2013 in Keningau where the Malaysia Day 'Oath Stone' is located. Pakatan leaders too made similar pledges of Sabah autonomy, even if it were only lip service," he said.

Yong pointed out Sabahans yearn to reinstate the autonomy, self-governing status of Sabah as an equal to Malaya, as promised in the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

The widening polarisation along religious and racial lines in Malaya, and the failure of economic management in the country with spiralling prices, a failed education system, illegal immigration and a host of hot issues have made Malaya lost its moral authority to lord over Sabah and be our masters, he said.

"Without autonomy and as long as Sabah leaders are subservient to their KL bosses, we have no prospect of finding effective solutions to our long standing problems," added Yong.

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21 pct hike in tourist arrivals to <b>Sabah</b> despite security issue <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 10:32 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: The number of tourist arrivals in Sabah continues to rise despite the less than positive news on security in the state last year.

State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said 2.5 million tourists visited Sabah, an increase of 21 per cent, from January to October, compared to the same period in 2012.

"Of the total, 1.8 million were domestic tourists, which went up by 17 per cent.

"Foreign tourists especially from Hong Kong and China went up 84.7 per cent to 307,325 people, mostly from 237 charter flights, the highest record in Malaysia," he said.

He said this in his speech during the eve of the New Year and Visit Malaysia Year 2014 (TMM 2014) celebration at Lintasan Deasoka, launched by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman here, Tuesday night.

Masidi was grateful that the effort of the ministry and tourism entreprenuers to rebuild confidence in Sabah as a safe destination had paid off.

Terrorists from Sulu, Philippines landed in Sabah in early February last year. On Nov 15, a Taiwanese, aged 57, was shot dead and his wife, 58, was kidnapped on Pulau Pom Pom, Semporna. She was rescued on Dec 20.

In conjunction with TMM 2014, Masidi said numerous tourist attractions had been prepared including the adoption of Kota Kinabalu as home port by sea cruise provider, Star Cruise Aquarius.

Furthermore, he said Kota Kinabalu was listed as a 'Top 10 Rising Asian Destinations' from TripAdvisor. — Bernama

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Another quits <b>Sabah</b> DAP leader quits - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:17 AM PST

by Chok Sim Yee. Posted on January 1, 2014, Wednesday

KOTA KINABALU: A senior member of DAP Sabah, Fred Fung  Kong Win, has resigned from as the state deputy chairman and Luyang branch chairman of the party.

Fung, who had served in DAP Sabah since 1986, has also quit the party.

"It is a painful decision to leave the party," he said yesterday, adding that his resignation would take immediate effect starting yesterday (December 31).

Reportedly, 20 Wanita members of P.172 Kota Kinabalu division headed by Candy Wong Sui Kyun have also resigned from their positions and quit DAP Sabah en masse.

Fung said his decision to quit DAP Sabah was because he could not work with some ungrateful leaders in the party. After the 13th general election (GE13), Fung said a series of events had occurred which rendered it impossible for him to work with the party leaders.

Fung stood as Api-Api and Luyang candidate in the 2004 and 2008 general elections respectively and had led DAP Sabah as state deputy chairman since 2009.

When asked what his plans were for the immediate future, Fung said he would take a temporary break for now.

Fung was the second Sabah DAP leader to quit the party this year after Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu.

Hiew resigned earlier as the state adviser after four of his colleagues called for disciplinary action to be taken against him for supporting Klias assemblyman Datuk Lajim Ukin as state opposition leader. The party's choice had been Tamparuli assemblyman Datuk Wilfred Bumburing.

Hiew is now an independent assemblyman.

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21% increase in tourist arrivals in <b>Sabah</b> - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:02 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah recorded a 21 per cent increase in tourist arrivals in January to October this year, as compared to the corresponding period last year.

Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said official figure for November and December was not available yet but the encouraging figure for the first 10 months lend confidence that the State will well exceed the targeted three million visitors by year-end.

Speaking at the Visit Malaysia Year 2014 Countdown here last night, Masidi said the sharp increase was contributed mainly by domestic tourists.

He noted over 1.82 million from the 2.55 million tourists that visited Sabah as of October were Malaysians from Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak.

This represents an increase of 17 per cent for domestic arrivals as compared to the previous year.

A sharp increase of 307,325 people or 84.7 per cent was also recorded for international tourists segment, with China and Hong Kong as main contributor.

Masidi noted Sabah also recieved 237 specially chartered flights during the period, the highest in the country to date.

The increase was also supported by several new direct flights to Kota Kinabalu, including from Hangzhou, Shenzen and Shanghai in China, Kota Baharu in Kelantan, and Cebu in The Philippines.

He noted flight frequency from Tokyo amd Perth has also been increased to three and two times a week, bringing the total number of non-stop flights from international destinations to Kota Kinabalu to 18.

Additionally, Kota Kinabalu is also now a homeport for Star Cruises Aquarius.

"We have also recorded several notable success at international level for the private sector.

"For the first time this year, we recieved TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence and the Agoda Golden Circle Award through Bunga Raya Resort.

"Also, Mabul Water Bungalows won Dive Resort of the Year while other five-star resorts such as Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort and Shangri-La's Rasa Ria Resort, Hibiscus Villa Kudat also won excellence awards, including Best of Malaysia Awards from Expatriate Lifestyle," said Masidi.

He added Kota Kinabalu was listed as "Top 10 Rising Asian Destinations" by TripAdvisor, following consistent positive feedback from visitors every year.

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Keep <b>Sabah</b> preferred tourist destination – CM – BorneoPost Online <b>...</b>

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:01 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: It would take a synergized effort from all parties to keep Sabah as one of the most preferred destinations in the region, and achieve its 2014 target of over three million tourist arrivals.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said everyone, especially those at the front line of the tourism industry, must in this regard have the right knowledge and attitude towards the tourists.

Speaking at the Countdown to Visit Malaysia 2014 at Lintasan Deasoka here last night, he noted that Malaysia had set a target of having 28 million tourists with tourism receipts of RM76 billion next year.

Out of this, he said 3.4 million visitors were expected to come to Sabah and contribute RM6.277 billion to the state's income.

"In order to realize this, it is very important for all parties especially those at the front line, such as taxi drivers, hotel workers and tourist guides to always give their best services, be friendly and helpful towards our guests.

"Apart from that, I also hope all the front liners would improve their knowledge on tourism products and attractions that Sabah has to offer.

"This is to ensure that efforts to promote our tourism involved not only the Tourism Ministry and related agencies but everyone in the our society," he said.

Musa said he welcomed the initiative by all ministries and local authorities in Sabah to host more events to highlight the diverse and unique culture and traditions of the local communities.

He however reminded that not only the organizers but all Sabahans attending such events must show that Sabah is the best and most accommodating host to outsiders.

Touching on the event, he said the countdown held in Kota Kinabalu was significant and in line with the national level effort, where Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had officially declared 2014 as 'Visit Malaysia Year', with a theme elebrating 1Malaysia, Truly Asia?

The rebranding of Visit Malaysia programme, he said, highlighted the strength and uniqueness of Malaysia, especially here in Sabah, which is the unity and harmonious existence of its people.

"We are grateful that we can live in solidarity despite our different races, religions and cultures. Indeed, this is why the Prime Minister recognized Sabah as the best model for 1Malaysia. This is the reality of the way Malaysians in Sabah live.

"Apart from political stability and economic prosperity, we are also blessed with nature wonders that attract visitors from the world over. These are the advantages that we must continue to nurture and promote," he said.

The countdown was jointly organized by Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry, Tourism and Culture Ministry of Malaysia and Kota Kinabalu City Hall.

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