
<b>Sabah</b> cops warned against graft, criminal activities – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Berita Sabah - News 2 Sabah

<b>Sabah</b> cops warned against graft, criminal activities – BorneoPost <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 08:31 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah policemen have been warned to stay clear of graft and criminal activities.

The message was put across following investigations by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission on some 40 policemen, including one with the title 'Datuk', allegedly involved in laundering millions of ringgit earned by vice syndicates in Malaysia.

MACC Sabah director Jalil Jaaffar said his department would not hesitate to conduct investigations on Sabah policemen if there was reason to suspect their involvement in graft or criminal activities.

"Investigation cases can be opened anytime if there is a complaint or simply from the initiative of our officers," Jalil said when contacted in the national capital yesterday.

"And if there is any reason to do so, we will not hesitate to conduct investigations on policemen," he added.

Meanwhile, Jalil said MACC Sabah had opened several investigations on policemen in the past, adding that some were heard in court.

"Yes, there have been several successful cases where corrupt policemen have been prosecuted and sentenced to jail.

"We will conduct investigations on anyone if there is sufficient information to open a file and those who wear
the uniform are no exception," said Jalil.

A senior police officer in Kuala Lumpur is just one of 40 policemen being investigated for laundering millions of ringgit earned by vice syndicates in Malaysia, sources told a news site recently.

It is learnt that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has widened its investigations to include money laundering and corrupt practices by several dozen policemen across the country.

It could not be immediately confirmed if Sabah police were among those being investigated.

MACC, however confirmed on Dec 26 that a senior police officer with the title 'Datuk' had given a statement, apparently over a RM6 million money laundering case.

MACC director of investigations Datuk Mustafa Ali said the police officer had given his statement at the MACC Putrajaya office a week before.

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Let Kong lead MCA <b>Sabah</b> call - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 09:12 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) members in Sabah are clamouring for the appointment of MCA Penampang Division chairman Datuk Paul Kong as the new chairman of the MCA Sabah Liaison Committee.

They felt that incumbent chairman Datuk Edward Khoo, having lost once again at the recent election for the party's central leadership, should now do the 'honourable thing' by making way for Kong, "without being asked to leave or overstay your welcome."

One of the state MCA members who openly voiced his support for Kong's 'promotion' was Penampang divisional deputy chief Francis Goh who is also the president of the Sabah Housing and Real Estate Developers' Association (SHAREDA).

Goh pointed out that this is the second time Khoo failed to garner support of the MCA Central Delegates (CD) in the party's election; the first being in the last election when he lost as a vice-presidential candidate. In the recent election, Khoo lost as a Central Committee Member candidate.

"In a previous party election some years ago, Khoo though elected as a Supreme Council member also got less votes than Kong and all these was despite the fact that he was the Sabah MCA Liaison Chief and an Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister," he noted.

Goh stressed that on the other hand, Kong despite being only a divisional chief has been re-elected for a third term as a Supreme Council member and this time he was even among the top ten out of 25 elected central committee members.

"Apart from being a three-term elected party exco member, Kong had also served as the deputy state MCA liaison chief and three years as a senator or member of the Upper House of Parliament.

"In other words, he has the qualification and experience to move up the ladder. Therefore, I humbly think that it is about time that he be allowed to lead the Sabah MCA," he stated.

Goh concluded that on behalf of MCA Penampang members, he congratulated Kong on his re-election, adding that the latter had done MCA Penampang proud once again.

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<b>Sabah</b> People&#39;s Rights Association formed - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 15 Dec 2013 03:59 PM PST

KOTA KINABALU: The newly formed Persatuan Hak Asasi Rakyat Sabah (Sabah People's Rights Association) has started work immediately following the first election of its exco committee on December 12.

Its chairman, Lee Pun Yee, said the association had submitted complaints of poor management service in Mesra Apartments to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing and also arranged a dialogue with the residents.

"The association has received complaints from the residents of Mesra Apartment regarding the poor management services such as security, auto gate and visitors registration problems besides the strata titles status, which are the basic rights of the residents.

"The association deputy chairman, Teddy Yang, and I have been working with the residents of this apartment complex and we are curious why the management company cannot even fulfill the basic rights of the residents," he said in a press statement.

Lee, who is also one of the residents at the apartment, said they have the rights to complain and take further action in the event the management is not carrying out their duties.

Meanwhile, Lee added that the main objective of the newly formed NGO is to be the platform of communication between the government authority and the people, provide guidance to the people on their rights as citizens and also to ensure that government information is passed down to the grassroots.

He said these three resolutions were raised during the meeting.

"Firstly, we urge the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to fully enforce the rules on poor performing housing management agencies and make necessary amendment to the existing rules to ensure good living environment of house buyers.

"Secondly, we want the authority to resolve the matter on foreign workers and illegal immigrants as they are the roots of all security problems and social illness.

"Thirdly, we resolve to fight for the abolishment of cabotage policy," he declared.

The members of the exco committee of Persatuan Hak Asasi Rakyat Sabah are Edward Ewon Mujie (vice chairman), Dr Joseph Lee (vice chairman), Lorena Binison (secretary), Christina Yong (assistant secretary) and Patricia Yong (treasurer). The committee members are Nicholas Hsu, Alex Hiew, Olivia Chin, Lee Fun Chee, Kelly Bajaral, Jaiz Robert and Richard Wong.

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Bruneian held in <b>Sabah</b> drug raid - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 22 Nov 2013 04:48 PM PST

The Sabah police have detained two men, including a Brunei national, in connection with the seizure of about 10kg of methamphetamine (syabu) in two raids last Tuesday, Bernama reported.

The drug was worth about RM2.4 million at street value.

When the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in Brunei Darussalam was contacted by the Bulletin yesterday, one of the officers said the NCB is still waiting for a full report from the Sabah police before they could comment.

Initial police investigations revealed the 35-year-old Brunei national was sought by the authorities in his country for criminal offences.

Speaking to reporters yesterday, Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib said on Nov 19, a police team was in the midst of raiding a house in Taman Nelly, Inaman when a man alighted from a car nearby about 9.30pm.

He said the police nabbed the 32-year-old when they found him carrying a bag containing two packets of syabu weighing about one kilogramme.

Later, the police found a bag containing syabu weighing 85 grammes in the master-bedroom of the house, he said, adding that a Brunei national was also picked up.

Datuk Hamza said the arrests of the two suspects led the police to raid a condominium at 1Borneo, the following day, resulting in the seizure of 8,917 grammes of methamphetamine in the master bedroom.

Subsequently, the police seized three cars and a motorcycle, all registered in Brunei, and valued at RM650,000. -Bernama

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First biofertilizer making plant in <b>Sabah</b> - The Borneo Post Online

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 10:48 AM PST

KOTA KINABALU: The executive chairman of Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd, Tan Sri Datu Khalil Bin Datu Haji Jamalul, made a visit recently to the Sabah Softwoods Hybrid Fertiliser (SSHF), located at POIC Industrial park in Lahad Datu.

Sabah Softwoods Hybrid Fertiliser is a joint venture company between Sabah Softwoods Bhd, a subsidiary of Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd and All Cosmos Industries Sdn Bhd (ACI).

On hand to welcome Khalil were Mohd Hattah Haji Jaafar, CEO of Sabah Softwoods Bhd, Dato Tony Peng Shih Hao, Group Chairman cum CEO of All Cosmos Industries and Shawn Lim Fung Bin, CEO of Sabah Softwoods Hybrid Fertiliser Sdn Bhd.

SSHF is the first biofertilizer manufacturing plant in Sabah with the capacity of 250,000 metric tons per year. It focuses on manufacturing, marketing and trading of bio-organic fertilizers for the growing market demands in Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia.

Through this venture, ACI will supply the biotechnology and production expertise, distribution networks as well as access to raw materials, whilst Sabah Softwoods is to take the lead in research and development trials in oil palm estates, as well as providing biomass from oil palm milling and its wood chip production activities.

Khalil also visited the Borneo Rainforest Lodge (BRL) in Lahad Datu where he was briefed by the Group Manager of Tourism Division, George Hong, on human resource management, green practices and the soon to be completed three-unit Premium Villa to cater for the up-market tourists.

He said the green practices by BRL is the right approach towards protecting the environment and yet still be able to generate revenue from its tourism activities.

The innovative and comprehensive green practices implemented in BRL are testament of the commitment of Yayasan Sabah Group towards caring for the environment, he said.

"This has resulted in the much recognition in various platforms. Last year was no exception when we have the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited BRL. As a Group, we are extremely proud of this achievement and hope BRL will maintain its leadership position in the industry," he added.

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