
‘Britney Clement’s murder case solved’ BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News » Sabah - New 2 Borneo

‘Britney Clement’s murder case solved’

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 10:05 AM PST

by Wilson Kong reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 5, 2014, Sunday

SIBU: Police consider as closed the murder case of nine-year-old Britney Clement of Sungei Naman following the arrest of her (Britney) aunt's husband.

The sweet naive village girl was alleged to have been killed after the 50-year-old suspect failed to rape her after the New Year Countdown celebration.

In less than 24 hours after gathering information, police went to the longhouse of the suspect in Sungai Naman village – about an hour's ride from here – on Friday to arrest him and have him remanded for seven days.

Villagers and the police had initially thought the Primary Four pupil had drowned when she sent her cousin home after the festive celebration.

But information and circumstantial facts smacked of foul play, and this led to the arrest of the suspect.

Sibu police chief ACP Mohd Kamal Kordi yesterday confirmed the arrest.

"In less than 24 hours after we sprang into action, we consider the first murder of 2014 solved."

It is understood that investigations thus far revealed that the suspect could have tried to rape Britney out of jealousy because she had sent a male cousin home in waist-deep flood after the New Year Countdown.

Britney and the suspect's longhouses is just a road apart.

Her aunt and her husband are childless, and the couple was close to Britney, who is the daughter of the 48-year-old aunt's brother.

As Britney was returning to her longhouse after sending her cousin home that fateful morning, the suspect waited for her on the flooded road.

It was alleged that the suspect slapped her hard on meeting her, and this sent Britney into a semi-unconsciousness state. He was then believed to have grabbed Britney and dragged her through the flood into the rubber estate some 150 metres away.

Police believed the suspect had tried to rape Britney there, but the girl struggled and scratched his body.

After some failed attempts, the suspect then allegedly threw Britney into the flood waters.

Post-mortem showed Britney's private parts were bruised and police had taken her clipped nails for DNA tests as there were scratch marks on the suspect.

When police found her body in the estate, Britney was wearing her underwear inside out.

Britney's body was taken back to her longhouse after the post-mortem yesterday morning.

Police also went to the longhouse yesterday and appealed to the upset villagers to remain calm. The team led by ASP Yeoh Chun Shyang assured the villagers that police investigations were proceeding well.

ASP Yeoh also took a K9 Dog Unit to comb the scene yesterday.

At the village, the suspect led police to his room where they seized the underwear and shorts they believed he wore when the crime was committed.

The police will send a hair strain on his underwear for DNA test.

Britney will be buried today in a cemetery near her longhouse.

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RM22.5 million a day on aliens

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 10:00 AM PST

by Antonia Chiam reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 5, 2014, Sunday

Over 300,000 foreigners stranded after entering nation illegally draining government coffers

KUCHING: The government is spending around RM22.5 million per day to maintain some 300,000 illegal immigrants currently under detention in the country.

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar revealed that the government has to shoulder this burden because the illegal immigrants cannot be deported without official documents.

"Illegal immigrants who are detained because they have no official documents are costing the government in terms of money in providing them food and healthcare. The costs to maintain every detainee is RM75 per person per day. It is expensive but necessary because the global community will see us as a humane country.

"We want to send these illegals back as soon as possible, as they are a burden to us but the problem is further slowed because their home countries take a long time to issue official documents. It is sometimes delayed by selective issuance of official documents," he told reporters after presenting emergency aid and grants to Santubong constituents yesterday.

Wan Junaidi said the Home Ministry is doing its best to resolve the problem by holding discussions with the various embassies involved.

"The process is slow but there is no other mechanism to send them back besides having official documents produced by their home countries. We know where these people are from but as long as they do not have any official travel documents, either destroyed or lost, we cannot send them back as they need passports to enter their own countries.

"Malaysia has become an attractive country for illegal immigrants from  countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar to make a living, especially when our own people refuse to work in jobs seen as dangerous, dirty and demeaning. Because many of our own people are now educated, they prefer jobs that are comfortable. Therefore, the dangerous, dirty and demeaning jobs become job opportunities for these foreigners," he said.

On a report alleging that immigrant children, both illegal and otherwise, are outnumbering local children in Sabah, Wan Junaidi said it could be true.

"However, no action has been taken yet as we are still awaiting the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to finish their report, which will then be presented in the Parliament this March.

"The government, based on recommendations from RCI, will then give the directive to the Home Ministry on what to do. We have to abide to our Constitution no matter what action we take," he said.

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Education Department, minister stand by hair ban on six

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 09:59 AM PST

KUCHING: The Sarawak Education Department is supportive of the action taken by SMK Demak Baru to bar six students from entering the school for not adhering to rules regarding hairstyles.

Its director Datu Abdillah Adam said strict action taken by the school was necessary towards enforcing discipline in students.

"Discipline is very important in ensuring the success of the school. The school has to be strict on matters regarding hairstyle and dress code so that the students respect the rules and the system," he said when contacted yesterday.

On Friday, six SMK Demak Baru students were not allowed to go to school due to their hairstyles which infringed regulations. The students, aged 15 to 17, were asked to go home by the school's disciplinary teacher.

It was supposed to be their second day back to school on that day, after the long holidays. One of the students claimed there was no handbook issued regarding sanctioned hairstyles and uniforms.

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‘Facebook’ man sorry for his ‘stupidity’

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 09:55 AM PST

KUCHING: The Saratok man, who was arrested over his Facebook posting inciting the public to topple the government on New Year's Eve, expressed his remorse and apologised unreservedly for his 'stupidity' upon his arrival back here on Friday night.

The 25-year-old, who went by the Facebook name of 'Asmaelz Hadzeny II', arrived at the Kuching International Airport from Kuala Lumpur at 10pm under police escort after being released on police bail following the expiry of his remand order.

He was arrested in Saratok on Dec 26 last year following a police report lodged over his posting, and was remanded for five days at federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman to facilitate investigation.

"I wish to apologise to all Malaysians and also the police for my stupidity in making the posting. I only did it for fun and I now fully regret my action," he told members of the press, adding that he had learned his lesson and would not repeat his action again.

He also took full responsibility for his posting and stressed that no one had put him up to it.

In his Facebook posting, the man had incited the public to join a New Year's eve rally to topple the government, apart from making derogatory remarks against the police.

He had also stated that he was in the process of looking for bombs.

Following his arrival here, the man was whisked away in a police vehicle to be sent back to his hometown.

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Lecturer wakes up to find house broken into

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 09:54 AM PST

KUCHING: A university lecturer woke up yesterday to discover that thieves had not only broken into her home during the night, but had also driven off her Toyota Estima.

The 40-something woman came to know of the incident around 7am when she woke up to find the vehicle missing from her front porch at Jalan Depo in Petra Jaya here.

She also discovered that the thieves, who gained entry by forcing open a window and security grille, had carted away a television set and a laptop.

A police report has been lodged and the case is being investigated.

In a separate incident, an unoccupied shop house unit at Jalan Keranji in Tabuan Jaya here fell victim to thieves who removed its aluminum roller shutters yesterday.

The owner of the ground-floor unit learned of the theft after being notified by other nearby owners and immediately made a police report.

Footage from a security camera installed at an office on the upper level of the shop house showed two men removing the roller shutters sometime during the night.

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Hour-long jam from minor collision

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 09:53 AM PST

SRI AMAN: A family received a rude jolt when their Perodua Viva car was hit from behind by a Perodua Kenari at Km 1, Jalan Sabu, in front of the Public Works Department (JKR) building here yesterday morning.

Prior to the accident which occurred at 11:30am, the couple in the Viva was believed to be on their way home after shopping at the Sri Aman market while the family in the Kenari was also heading home in the direction of Sabu from the market.

According to a source at the scene, the Kenari was said to have suddenly struck the back of the Viva before crashing into a drain.

Both families involved in the accident were uninjured, although the Viva was dented slightly in the back and the Kenari was damaged in the front.

The accident caused a traffic jam in the area which lasted for almost an hour.

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