
Flood victims in Sarawak should receive RM500 financial aid-Fatimah BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News » Sabah - New 2 Borneo

Flood victims in Sarawak should receive RM500 financial aid-Fatimah

Posted: 08 Jan 2014 12:39 AM PST

KUCHING: Flood victims in Sarawak should receive RM500 financial assistance similar to flood victims in Peninsular Malaysia, said Minister of Welfare, Women and Family Development Datuk Fatimah Abdullah during a handing over ceremony at the 1Azam Skills Centre today.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had recently announced a cash aid of RM500 to each family affected by current floods. Fatimah said the state Disaster Relief Committee will discuss it during an upcoming meeting.

"It will depend on the outcome of the meeting later , and if it is deemed necessary and agreed upon at the state-level it will be brought to the Natural Disaster Committee at federal level," she said.

She said there were 21,966 flood victims throughout the state and those affected have only received food aid channeled through the Welfare Department. - Bernama

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Study needed before prohibiting roof gutters — Abdul Karim

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:53 AM PST

KUCHING: An in-depth study and referral involving those in the construction industry should be conducted before coming up with measures to prohibit new housing projects from installing rainwater gutters on the roof.

Assistant Minister of Housing Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said he personally did not see the rationale of the proposal to prohibit the installation of rainwater gutters on the roof for newly constructed houses.

"I believe the requirement for gutters comes within building by-laws. I am puzzled how the Ministry of Health suddenly came up with this idea of doing away with gutters in new building laws merely because he (deputy minister) thought that it
could retain water and thus a breeding ground for aedes mosquitoes," he said when contacted yesterday.

Abdul Karim, who is also Assistant Minister of Youth Development, was commenting on the Health Ministry's proposal that new housing projects be prohibited from installing rainwater gutters on the roof to curb the rising number of dengue cases.

Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahya said the move was necessary as Malaysians were still unaware that gutters that were not properly maintained could become breeding grounds of aedes mosquitoes.

The Health Ministry also proposed that the Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government amend its existing regulations so that all rainwater gutters in existing houses would be removed for effective eradication of aedes mosquitoes.

"I personally feel that there is no necessity to do away with gutters. If the problem is the breeding of aedes mosquitoes, then find ways to eradicate the mosquitoes. It is very unlikely that aedes will breed in a gutter unless it is a faulty gutter," said Abdul Karim, who is also Asajaya assemblyman.

He said tropical Malaysia experiences quite heavy rain throughout the year and that houses were fixed with gutters to allow for proper discharge of rain water to the drain.

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Police seize 126,000 litres of diesel

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:46 AM PST

by Yunus Yussop, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 8, 2014, Wednesday

BINTULU: The Marine Operations Force Region Five confi scated 126,000 litres of diesel from four storage tanks and three lorries worth RM697,600 under Ops Landai 01/2014 at the Kemena Industrial Estate yesterday.

Ten personnel led by two offi cers raided a truck workshop at the estate around 8.30am.

A spokesman said upon inspection of the premises, the workshop was found to have diesel in storage tanks allegedly obtained illegally.

This led the 38-year-old owner of the premises to be detained to assist with the investigation.

The case is now being investigated by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism.

Members of the public are called on to give cooperation and information to the relevant authorities to help combat crime.

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Senior citizen slightly injured by armed intruder

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:45 AM PST

KUCHING: A senior citizen was left with light injuries to his head and hands after fending off an armed intruder at his rented house at Jalan Stakan, Kota Sentosa yesterday.

The 62-year-old, who works as a tailor, was roused from sleep around midnight when he heard someone knocking loudly on the front door.

After peering through the window and seeing an unknown man outside, he remained quiet in the hope that the latter would leave if no one responded to the incessant knocking.

Instead of leaving, however, the stranger went to the back of the house and began banging on the kitchen door, before heading back to the front minutes later.

There, he found a hammer in the car porch and used it to break open the wooden door before confronting the senior citizen inside his bedroom.

Despite the age difference, the tailor was able to hold his ground against the younger intruder and, following a brief scuffl e, sent the latter fl eeing from the house.

Two female co-workers staying in the same house later contacted their employer to take the injured tailor to the Sarawak General Hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, members of the public spotted the intruder, who appeared to be more badly hurt than the tailor, not far from the house and contacted the police.

Police then detained the man – - a 26-year-old — before calling for an ambulance to take him to the hospital in light of his injuries.

The incident is being investigated.

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Security guard collapses and dies after chasing shoplifter

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:44 AM PST

KUCHING: A supermarket security guard collapsed and died shortly after pursuing and catching a shoplifter at a shopping complex yesterday afternoon.

Ee Teck Khoon, 50, was on duty at Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim when he was notifi ed about the presence of a suspected serial shoplifter around 1.30pm.

After closely monitoring the suspect via closed-circuit television (CCTV) and noting that he had pocketed several unpaid for items, Ee went to apprehend the thief but had to chase him after he fl ed on foot.

He collared the suspect outside the shopping complex, and hauled the man to his office for interrogation.

But minutes later, Ee collapsed on the fl oor, prompting his colleagues to summon for an ambulance to send him to hospital.

The veteran security guard – said to suffer from high blood pressure – was pronounced dead upon arrival at Sarawak General Hospital.

In an unrelated case, a man was found dead inside the bathroom of his apartment by his friends early yesterday morning.

No foul play was suspected for the death of the victim, 43-year-old Tony James Edward of Kenyalang Park.

According to sources, the victim's friends sensed something amiss after they were unable to reach him on his mobile phone since Monday afternoon.

They decided to go to his apartment in Stutong area to check, and after failing to get a response, forced open the locked door.

They found the deceased motionless inside the bathroom, which was also locked from inside, and he was certified dead by a doctor summoned to the scene.

Police transported the body to Sarawak General Hospital for a postmortem and have classified the case as sudden death.

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Accounts clerk faces criminal breach of trust charges

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 11:43 AM PST

SARIKEI: A former construction company accounts clerk was charged with two counts of criminal breach of trust (CBT) in a Magistrates' Court here on Monday.

Lim Hu Ten, 31, may face more charges as the police have received seven additional reports against her involving a total embezzlement of some RM2.32 million from her employer's account.

For the first two CBT charges framed under Section 408 of the Penal Code, she allegedly embezzled a total of RM95,000 on two occasions.

The Section carries a jail term of a minimum one year and a maximum 14 years, whipping and a fine. For the first count, she allegedly committed the offence when dealing with the company's RM30,000 cheque at a bank here on Dec 10, 2012; while the second offence was allegedly committed with the company's RM65,000 cheque transaction at the same bank on April 4 last year.

No plea was taken from the accused.

The registrar fixed the case for further mention at the Sibu Sessions Court.

Lim was released on RM30,000 bail in two local sureties for the fi rst charge with RM10,000 to be deposited with the court; and RM30,000 in two local sureties for the second charge with RM5,000 to be deposited with the court.

She was represented by David Kuok, while Inspector Anbarasu Gobi prosecuted and Yap Hoi Liong held a watching brief for the construction company.

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