Making Clear Sarawak’s Land Code & Native Rights |
- Making Clear Sarawak’s Land Code & Native Rights
- Building bridges in Sarawak
- 30 years and still no support?
- Victory for NCR landowners!
Making Clear Sarawak’s Land Code & Native Rights Posted: 10 Jul 2014 03:33 AM PDT Activist and Native Customary Rights (NCR) lawyer Harrison Ngau tells RFS, the Sarawak Land and Survey Department has been and still is cheating the Sarawak natives with misleading definitions of the NCR land boundaries. He explains how these are defined in the Sarawak Land Code and reminds natives that Native Customary Rights land is our heritage and birth right. Don't be cheated of it he urges, fight for your rights. Abun Sui, another NCR lawyer comments on the online portal Sarawak Report's new revelations that the Murum Dam's turbine runners are "not suitable for installation and operation". We question why is Chief Minister Adenan Satem still on silent on the issue that could threaten safety and lives? Lastly, we hear from our very own commentator Christina Suntai on the subject of the growing calls to get Sarawak out of Malaysia. She asks, If Sarawak is to secede from Malaysia, will those in BN relinquish their power? If Sarawak is out Malaysia, will BN stop grabbing native lands and respect natives' rights and stop the flooding of Sarawak with dams? Independence, she says is not a viable solution at this time, but political change is! Penguam Harison Ngau menjelaskan bahawa peruntukan 80 juta insentif penyukatan tanah NCR penduduk pribumi sarawak telah diselewengkan dengan menyukat tanah penduduk asal menggunakan sec 6. Sepatutnya penyukatan sec 6 hanya boleh dilakukan apabila penduduk memohon tanah kerajaan. Tapi apa yang berlaku sekarang penduduk telah ada tanah dan tidak memohon tanah kerajaan dan hanya meminta kerajaan membiayai penyukatan garis menoa atau sempadan antara satu rumah panjang dengan rumah panjang yang lain. Perkara ini bukan sahaja menyeleweng dari maksud asal insentif ini dipohon malah bertentangan dengan kanun tanah Sarawak. ![]() |
Posted: 09 Jul 2014 04:15 AM PDT On today's show we interview DAP Sarawak Vice Chairman Leon Donald on their Impian Sarawak campaign. Donald tells us that they have completed many projects in Sarawak including road mending and construction and bridge building, all at a lower cost than the ruling government. He tells RFS that Impian Sarawak exists to serve the Dayak community. State DAP Chairperson YB Chong Chieng Jen is calling for the government to implement the 10 point policy reform program, which includes the Freedom of Information Ordinance and the reform of education and public transport. He believes that the government would flourish if the policy reforms are implemented. Finally, we bring you news from a International Rivers that a new Norwegian report has concluded that hydropower aid does not benefit the poor. The Sarawak government should take notice! Stay tuned! Leon Donald adalah ketua DAP Sri Aman, menyatakan banyak sudah projek impian sarawak dilaksanakan di Sri aman dan kos projek-projek yang dijalankan 10 kali ganda lebih murah daripada anggaran oleh pihak BN. Terbaru DAP membuat jalan simen di rumah Jelapang, Sigak. ![]() |
30 years and still no support? Posted: 08 Jul 2014 04:50 AM PDT Today we get the latest native land dispute news from Apai May in Tangap, Niah. He urges the government to help in determining the status of their NCR land which has been in dispute for over 30 years! Despite numerous complaints there has been no effort from the Sarawak government. RFS interviews DAP representative Chong Chieng Jen on the issue of the "abolish rice subsidy program" He suggests that the government should open up the import of rice to vendors so that vendors can import rice directly without the need of BERNAS (Padiberas Nasional Berhad). This will prevent high-level corruption. Christina Suntai gives us her take on the safety of the Murum turbines in light of the latest Sarawak Report expose. And we hear from Tanjung Terpalit headman, James Nyurang following the rumour that the Baram dam construction will be cancelled. He urges the communities to stay united and questions whether this is simply a tactic to discourage the villagers from blockading. All this and more! Stay tuned! Hari ini, RFS menemubual YB Chong Chieng Jen, Ketua DAP Sarawak. Beliau berkata subsidi 500 juta untuk turunkan harga beras setiap tahun tidak sampai kepada pengguna sebaliknya menjadi keuntungan kepada bernas. Beliau menggesa supaya kerajaan menghapuskan monopoli pasaran beras oleh bernas dan peniaga bebas membeli beras yang dijual murah dipasaran antarabangsa dan wang RM500j dapat dijimatkan. Perkembangan terbaru daripada Apai May dari Tangap niah yang mengulas berkenaan tuntutan penduduk untuk meminta pertolongan daripada kerajaan sarawak untuk memulangkan kembali tanah mereka. Sampai sekarang tiada lagi khabar berita yang kerajaan sarawak ingin membantu walaupun surat telah diberikan. Walaupun pihak syarikat tidak menghalang mereka untuk mengambil buah sawit, tetapi mereka akan terus berjuang untuk mendapatkan kembali tanah tersebut. Kita jua dengarkan komentari daripada Christina suntai yang menyentuh perihal turbin yang digunakan di empangan murum tidak sesuai. Akhir sekali, RFS sempat menemubual TK james Nyurang berikutan khabar angin mengatakan pembinaan baram dam dibatalkan. Beliau sendiri tidak pasti tentang isu ini dan berkata ini mungkin salah satu taktik pihak SEB untuk melemahkan semangat penduduk kampung yang berblockade. Teruskan bersama kami! ![]() |
Posted: 07 Jul 2014 08:02 AM PDT Today we report on yet another NCR land victory against the state government. Native land rights lawyer and PKR opposition leader Baru Bian headed the case and urges the native communities to keep fighting to safeguard their lands. Bian also addresses the complaint by Dr. Dusit Jaul that the Sarawak Foundation has been monopolised by Malays, a problem he says should be rectified. We speak to Piasau Assemblyman Alan Ling who is concerned that the government is neglecting people's safety in Miri. He believes that Infrastructure Development and Communication Minister Michael Manyin did not take the recent landslide threat at Canada Hill seriously. And we hear from Long Lawen headman, Garak Jalong who tells us the problems his village is facing as a result of the Murum Dam. His village is still waiting for payment promised by Sarawak Energy and the state government. Tune in and enjoy! Pada hari ini, RFS dapat menemubual YB Baru Bian, Peguam NCR yang juga ADUN Ba'Kelalan. Beliau sekali lagi menang kes perbicaraan ke atas tanah NCR melayu melawan kerajaan negeri sarawak. Syukur dengan hujah yang mantap kes ini menang dan sudah hampir semua kes yang melibatkan semua kaum di sarawak menang, iaitu Jati Mirik, Kedayan, Melayu, Iban, Kayan,Kenyah, Berawan dan lain,lain.Beliau juga sempat menyatakan bahawa beliau setuju dengan kenyataan Dr.Dusit Jaul berkenaan isu kaum melayu memonopoli jawatan pengurusan kanan dalam Yayasan sarawak, yang dana yayasan itu datangnya dari Kayu balak orang Dayak. Alan Ling,Adun DAP piasau mengulas berkenaan beliau yang mengatakan kerajaan sarawak mengabaikan keselamatan penduduk di miri berikutan Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Komunikasi Sarawak Michael Manyin tidak mengambil serius keselamatan beratus-ratus penduduk yang menghadapi ancaman tanah runtuh, terutamanya mereka yang berada di kaki dan di atas Bukit Canada di Miri. Akhir sekali, Garak Jalong ketua kampung di Long Lawen melaporkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk kampung. Salah satu diantara masalah tersebut ialah berkenaan tanah NCR mereka yang terlibat dalam pembinaan empangan murum tidak dibayar sehingga sekarang. Pihak SEB dan kerajaan negeri masih membisu seribu bahasa. Teruskan bersama kami! ![]() |
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