
Ministry wants public to report errant traders BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News » Sabah - New 2 Borneo

Ministry wants public to report errant traders

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:49 AM PST

KUCHING: The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism has called on the public to report any traders who indiscriminately increase the prices of goods and services to its offices across the state.

State director Wan Ahmad Uzir Wan Sulaiman said to facilitate the ministry's enforcement, the public could assist by providing the names and addresses of premises that had unreasonably or excessively increased prices.

He said public cooperation is very much appreciated in the ministry's efforts to ensure traders do not excessively or unreasonably increase prices and burden the people.

"We are conducting price monitoring every day at the major markets. Of course, due to the large geographical area the state has, our enforcement officers cannot be present everywhere.

"Therefore, we need cooperation from the consumers to report traders who have unreasonably increased the prices of goods and services. All they need do to assist us by providing the premises' names and addresses," Wan Ahmad Uzir told The Borneo Post yesterday.

He was commenting on a recent statement by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who said the ministry had been directed to take more stringent action against traders who indiscriminately increased prices.

Wan Ahmad Uzir said as a testament of the ministry's seriousness in tackling indiscriminate price increases, its offices in the state have been taking action against traders who increased prices with the element of profiteering.

He warned that the ministry would go down hard on such errant traders, adding that those found to have breached the Price Control Act 1946 and Price Control and Anti-profiteering Act 2011 would be severely dealt with.

The public can channel complaints or information to the ministry's offices in Kuching (082-466024), Miri (085-412862 or 085-442700), Sibu (084-329202), Bintulu (086-332176), Sarikei (084-657751), Kapit (084-799678), Limbang (085-217414), Sri Aman (083-323836) or Lawas (085-283650).

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Anti-vice blitz nets 18 in Kuching

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:36 AM PST

by Anasathia Jenis, reporters@theborneopost.com. Posted on January 2, 2014, Thursday

KUCHING: A 60-year-old man was among 18 individuals detained by state Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) officers during an anti-vice raid on budget hotels and inns here on Tuesday night.

Jais enforcement officer Kassim Yusuf said those detained were aged between 17 and 60 years.

"The 18 individuals are detained for allegedly committing `khalwat' (close proximity).

"They would be investigated under the Sarawak Syariah Criminal Offences Ordinance 2001," he told reporters after the operation, which involved 50 Jais staff, ended.

Personnel from the district police contingent, Kuching North City Commission (DBKU) and Kuching South City Council (MBKS) were also involved in the operation that started at about 11pm and ended at about 4am.

Kassim added that the operation formed part of Jais' effort to create greater public awareness about the department's seriousness in curbing vice activities and enforcement of Syariah law.

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10-year-old believed to have drowned

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:35 AM PST

SIBU: A 10-year-old girl from a longhouse in Sungai Naman, who went missing on Tuesday, is believed to have drowned.

Her uncle lodged a missing person's report at the Sibu Central police station yesterday.

However, around 11am, he received a call saying her body had been found near the longhouse.

The uncle and police from the Lanang station then rushed to the scene to investigate.

Her body was later transported to the Sibu Hospital mortuary for a post-mortem.

It is believed that the longhouse had been affected by flooding on Tuesday.

Family members only noticed that the girl was missing by nightfall.

They found a lit torchlight, believed to be the girl's, outside the longhouse.

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Man who injured another also a robbery suspect

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:34 AM PST

SARIKEI: Police believe a man, arrested for causing injury to another man last Dec 30 afternoon, is a suspect in a robbery case reported last Oct 17.

Police re-arrested the 28-year-old suspect to facilitate investigation into the robbery, and yesterday obtained a seven-day remand order from court for this purpose.

Police submitted to a higher authority the results of their investigation on causing injury in the case investigated under Section 324 of the Penal Code, prosecuting officer Inspector Anbarasu Gobi told a magistrate when registering the case yesterday.

The suspect was said to have injured with a knife a 38-year-old man in Kampung Seberang here around 4pm last Dec 30.

Acting on a report lodged by the victim, police arrested the suspect half an hour later.

Meanwhile in the robbery case, the suspect together with an accomplice allegedly relieved a 21-year-old youth and his girlfriend of three cell phones worth about RM600.

According to a report lodged by the victim, he was sending his girl friend home when confronted by two men at the old ferry point along Nyelong Road around 11pm last Oct 17.

The two men robbed them of their handphones at knife point, the victim said in his report.

The case is being investigated under Section 395/397 of the Penal Code.

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Social activist claims flood victims in dire straits

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:34 AM PST

MIRI: The federal government should extend the RM500 aid given to flood victims in the peninsula recently to flood victims in Sarawak.

Social activist Wan Zain Syed Mohdzar, who made this suggestion, also called on the relevant authorities to immediately help flood victims at all evacuation centres, especially in terms of food supplies.

"For instance, flood victims at Kampung Asyakirin Bintulu are in dire need of assistance. Some of them complained that they had not received any assistance," claimed Wan Zain when contacted yesterday.

"Do not wait until the situation worsens. We must act immediately and do what we can to help."

Wan Zain praised Bintulu MP Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing for his quick action in channelling help and assistance to flood victims in his constituency.

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Sibu businessman’s house shot at

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:34 AM PST

SIBU: A house at Salim Road belonging to a businessman in his 40s was shot at on New Year's eve.

It is said that the businessman's mother, who is in her 70s, and two Indonesian workers were at home when the shooting occurred around 8pm.

The businessman was on holiday in Hong Kong with his wife and children and only returned yesterday morning.

Police said CCTV footage showed that the shooter had parked his car by the roadside, gotten out of the vehicle and started shooting at the house.

The businessman's mother said she heard the sound of glass breaking, but did not mention hearing gunshots.

Police were called and Sibu police chief ACP Mohd Kamal Kordi, Sibu senior investigating officer ASP Yeoh Chun Shyan led a team to the scene.

They found seven holes on the glass door of the first floor balcony.

Police are still investigating the motive for the shooting.

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