Our weekly wrap-up! |
- Our weekly wrap-up!
- People have rights against police who abuse their position
- Arrested for defending our rights!?
- No treated water for native communities?
- We won’t stop till we get our rights!
- We Want Our Own Deputy Prime Minister!
Posted: 20 Jun 2014 11:40 PM PDT We bring you the best snipets and lead stories of the week. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show! We will be back with fresh interviews next week. Don't go away stay tuned! Kami membawakan anda temuramah-temuramah dan berita panas sepanjang minggu ini. Berjumpa lagi di minggu hadapan dengan isu yang lebih panas dan menarik! ![]() |
People have rights against police who abuse their position Posted: 20 Jun 2014 03:11 AM PDT Today, RFS updates on the arrest of the four villagers in Tuyut over the on-going battle against the company Boustead, which has entered their lands. Human rights lawyer Abun Sui says they were charged with burning the company gate and trespassing on company land and the police are demanding bail. However, the villagers deny the charges: they know nothing of the gate burning incident and explain that they are not trespassing because this is the land of their ancestors they had already planted their own oil palm. We also speak to Yap Swee Seng, Executive Director of the human rights group SUARAM, who also comments that the Tuyut villagers could file summons against the police with on grounds that the charge is baseless and this is a misuse of authority. SADIA (Sarawak Dayak Iban Association) joins the show to discuss the issues they find being raised by the public, most of them are questioning why Dayak have so many rich resources but still remain poor? Where is the Dayak leader to help their people? Lastly, RFS brings a commentary from the Malaysian Insider – "A happy PM, but a sad nation". Although the country is imploding, says the blogger, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his advisers believe that all is well. Abun Sui, Peguam Hak Asasi Malaysia memberikan perkembangan berikutan kes penahanan empat orang penduduk dari tuyut yang didakwa membakar pintu pagar syarikat dan juga menceroboh tanah syarikat. Beliau berkata, mereka telah ditangkap dan telah dibebaskan. Menurut prosedur mahkamah, mereka perlu menjawab pertuduhan tersebut dan harus membayar wang jaminan. Pertuduhan yang dibuat ke atas mereka ialah : 1) Membakar pintu pagar pihak syarikat 2) Menceroboh tanah syarikat. Apabila ditanya, menurut penduduk kampung, mereka tidak tahu mengenai pembakaran pintu pagar tersebut dan menjelaskan mereka tidak menceroboh tanah tersebut kerana mereka memang berada disitu dari zaman nenek moyang lagi dan menanam sawit sendiri. ![]() |
Arrested for defending our rights!? Posted: 19 Jun 2014 05:03 AM PDT Breaking news from Sungai Tuyut, where 4 villagers have been arrested by the police for protesting against Boustead Pelita on their NCR land. We speak to Adi form Tuyut who tells RFS that the company engaged security guards to bully the villagers. Once again, Padang Serai MP N. Surendran has been been suspended from parliament for another 6 months without debate. He tells RFS that the suspension is unfair and PKR want the motion to be withdrawn immediately. Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says "It's official, the Parliament has been made a rubber stamp!" We speak to Matek Geram from SADIA who tells us that he found illegal logging by ISO Timber Sdn Bhd happening in Julau. The log extraction happened without permission from local villagers. And we hear from Christina Suntai who expresses her concern that never in the history of any country has a government been as hypocritical, deceptive, dishonest and destructive as this government in question. Stay tuned, we tell you more. N.Surendran, Ahli Paliment Padang Setia, digantung enam bulan dalam sesi lepas dan sekali lagi enam bulan sesi ini. Beliau mengkritik speker dan Dewan rakyat kerana berat sebelah lebih mendahulukan usul-usul kerajaan sahaja sebaliknya usul PR diketepikan. Sebagai contoh Usul yang sangat penting YB Bandar Kuching tak diberi peluang memebentangkan usul kenaikan royalti minyak untuk sarawak. Sebaliknya speker mendahulukan usul memecat beliau yang tidk melibatkan kepentingan awam. Dalam pada masa sama suara PR sebenarnya jauh lebih besar dimana ia mewakili 52% suara rakyat ![]() |
No treated water for native communities? Posted: 18 Jun 2014 05:08 AM PDT The villagers of Lubok Nibong and Puyut in Marudi are complaining that they have no water supply says Baram PKR politician Roland Engan who recently visited both villages. Both villages have a lot of longhouses and despite being given a 1Malaysia water tank, there has been no rainfall for the past days and weather conditions suggest a drought season in July and August. And the Auditor General Report 2013 reported that there are also water problems in Lubok Antu where two longhouses reportedly went without treated water supply. We speak to Nicholas Bawin on this issue. Timothy a local from Sibu tells RFS that the existence of newly formed TERAS will give an opportunity to the opposition party. He says people will not trust leaders that swap from one party to another. And we receive a phone call from Nuing from Lubok Antu who urges the Dayak community to stand up against BN's destructive policies. He also urges communities not to pay land tax as he says paying tax for land suggests it is Government land. He says if we do not pay, the land is ours! All this and more on Radio Free Sarawak! Stay tuned! Nuing daripada Lubok Antu memberitahu dengan tegas supaya semua bangsa dayak sedar dan bangun serta tidak menyokong BN lagi yang terlalu banyak memperbodohkan bangsa dayak selama ini. Beliau juga berkata supaya jangan membayar cukai tanah kepada kerajaan kerana maksudnya jika kita membayar cukai tanah, kita tinggal di tanah kerajaan, jika kita tidak membayar cukai tanah ertinya tanah itu milik kita. ![]() |
We won’t stop till we get our rights! Posted: 17 Jun 2014 04:13 AM PDT Today RFS follows up the native blockade taking place in Loagan Bunut, where communities have been protesting against Boustead Pelita for 35 days. The Marudi District office has been trying to coordinate a round table meeting between the villagers and the company involving the 3000 hectares of NCR land. The villagers state they will keep protesting if the company continues to encroach on their land. We speak to Artist Tan Wei Kheng who specialises in portraits of indigenous communities from Sarawak. He recently visited the Penan in Baram who are still living a semi-nomadic lifestyle to help and teach them to install water pipes for clean water. We talk to Kuantan MP YB Fuziah Salleh about the Stop Lynas campaign in West Malaysia and why members of parliament were ordered out of the Dewan Rakyat sitting for simply questioning the Speaker's decision to reject the motion to discuss the Temporary Occupation Licence (TOL) related to the Lynas project. Last but not least, resident commentator Christina suntai gives us her commentary on the ongoing Allah issue in Malaysia. Why is Selangor Islamic Affairs Council (Mais) refusing to return over 300 copies of the Bible seized from the Bible Society of Malaysia?! Stay tuned! Blockade di Loagan Bunut bermula pada 14.5.2014 (35 hari sudah), dan setelah berlangsung lebih sebulan maka Pejabat Daerah Marudi campur tangan untuk menjemput semua pihak yang bertelagah duduk di meja rundingan. Malang sekali dialog itu gagal mencapai kata putus. Penduduk membuat keputusan untuk terus memungut buah kelapa sawit yang ditanam di atas tanah mereka. Keseluruhan kawasan NCR dalam pertikaian adalah lebih 3000 hektar dan lebuh setengah daripadanya telah ditanam kelapa sawit. ![]() |
We Want Our Own Deputy Prime Minister! Posted: 16 Jun 2014 03:11 AM PDT Today RFS interviews Bingkor Assemblyperson, Jeffrey Kitingan who urges the Federal Government to appoint two deputy Prime Ministers in the states of Sabah and Sarawak. Kitingan, who is also Chairman of Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF) proposes that Peninsular Malaysia remains with 11 states, whilst Sarawak is divided into 9 states and Sabah 5 states. We also catch up with PAS' Zulhazmi Shariff who condemns comments made by Bukit Aman Chief, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Latif that traffic offenders will continue to be detained until they resolve their warrants of arrest. Zulhazmi advises the Government to follow the correct legal procedures and not arbitrarily detain people who do not know their rights. Finally we speak to YB Baru Bian on the long running Bible issue in Malaysia. Last week, Selangor Islam Regional Council (MAIS) stated that they disapproved the Attorney-Generals demand that Bibles containing the word "Allah" be returned. They run the risk of being in contempt of court. Stay tuned! Pada hari ini, RFS menemubual ADUN Sabah Datuk Jeffrey Kitingan yang menggesa kerajaan melantik dua orang lagi timbalan perdana menteri, masing-masing dari Sabah dan Sarawak untuk membendung perasaan tidak puas hati warga Malaysia Timur. Beliau yang juga pengerusi Yayasan Warisan Borneo mencadangkan semenanjung Malaysia kekal dengan 11 negeri sementara Sarawak dibahagikan kepada sembilan negeri manakala Sabah, lima negeri. Beliau menambah perlunya tiga TPM masing-masing satu untuk semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak. Selepas itu, kita bersama Zulhazmi Shariff, Timbalan pengerusi Badan mobilisasi Rakyat Dewan Pemuda Pas Pusat yang mengulas kenyataan Ketua Trafik Pasukan Bukit Aman Senior Asisten Komisioner Ahmad Fuad Abdul Latif bahawa pesalah trafik yang mempunyai waran tangkap akan terus ditahan di dalam lokap sehingga mereka menyelesaikan waran tangkap. Beliau menasihati penguatkuasa undang-undang supaya mengikut prosedur perundangan bukan sewenang-wenang mengugut seperti orang lain tak tahu undang-undang. Akhir sekali, YB Baru Bian mengulas berkenaan isu Mais berkata bahawa mereka tidak bersetuju dengan Peguam Negara dan tidak akan memulangkan Bibble yang dirampas serta mengatakan bahawa keputusan tidak mendakwa boleh mengelirukan akidah umat islam. Beliau berkata bahawa pendirian PM Najib berkaitan isu inilah yang menjadi punca sebenar kemelut ini berlaku. Teruskan bersama kami! ![]() |
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