DAP <b>Sabah</b> welcomes new <b>Sabah</b> CP appointment – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Berita Sabah - News 2 Sabah |
- DAP <b>Sabah</b> welcomes new <b>Sabah</b> CP appointment – BorneoPost <b>...</b>
- Three RTCs for <b>Sabah</b> and Sarawak — Nanta – BorneoPost Online <b>...</b>
- Call to help alcoholics in <b>Sabah</b> - The Borneo Post Online
- Facebook <b>Sabah</b> Sarawak Keluar Malaysia - <b>Berita</b> Semasa
- Strong winds, rough seas warning for <b>Sabah</b> - The Borneo Post Online
DAP <b>Sabah</b> welcomes new <b>Sabah</b> CP appointment – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Posted: 03 Jul 2014 10:03 AM PDT KOTA KINABALU: DAP Sabah has commended the government's move to appoint Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman as the new Sabah Police Commissioner. "Chief for the commander (of ESSCom) should be taken over by somebody who is a senior ranking officer in the police force. "Mohammad Mentek could not possibly be the right man for the job as he is from the immigration department and not of the security force background," he said. "We are happy with the move to appoint Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman as the new Police Commissioner. As he said, he will strike fear in the heart of enemies who threaten Sabah's security, and so we have better confidence in him, albeit, he still has to prove it," he said. Jimmy said the government has to be serious and thorough about the problems surrounding and resulting from the illegal immigrants issue if they are serious about solving the problem once and for all, he stressed. "The issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah has led to so many vice-related problems in the state, from drug trafficking, prostitution, subsidy abuse, intrusion, and now cross-border kidnappings. One of the reasons for the series of security breaches in Sabah waters is the presence of illegal immigrants, DAP Sabah chief Jimmy Wong told a press conference after Pakatan Rakyat Sabah submitted three memorandums on various issues to the State Legislative Assembly Deputy Secretary yesterday. "Even the ESSCom intelligience unit had disclosed that the problem roots back to the illegal immigrants issue. The incidents were said to have connection with insiders' job. And they do not function merely as informants, but partners (of kidnappers). "This goes back to the old same issue of 'Projek M', the issuance of identification card (ICs) to illegal immigrants," stressed Jimmy. Sri Tanjonga ssemblyman Chan Foong Hin said that the party expressed hopes that with the new appointment, there will be no more kidnapping incidents. "This is because not only do such incidents threaten the security of Sabah but it will also lead to other problems that affect our livelihood, such as threatening the economy through tourism, one of the state's biggest income earners. "We have suffered economic losses through tourism since the incidents occurred. It was reported that a total of 74 flights were cancelled since then. "Assuming that one flight can bring up to 150 tourists, and one tourist spends an average of RM3,000, that may mean that we have suffered a loss of at least RM33 million, only in the past three months," said Chan. Meanwhile, Likas assemblyman Junz Wong raised the issue of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the Illgal Immigrants, questioning the delay in releasing the inquiry's results. "Time has never been more right to reveal the RCI results, considering the incidents that have taken place over the past few months. Jimmy also questioned the move to transfer Sabahan judges to West Malaysia and vice versa. "They even assigned one of them (from West Malaysia) to take over the late registraton department (in Sabah). How is he even going to be able to identify those who are genuine Sabahans from those who are not? "There are approximately 40,000 pending late registration applications across Sabah, some dating back to 18 years. How can someone from West Malaysia possibly do the job?" he asked. Also present at the press conference were Kepayan assemblyman Dr Edwin Bosi, Moyog assemblyman Terence Siambun, and Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) Sabah Commissioner Mohd Aminuddin Aling. ![]() |
Three RTCs for <b>Sabah</b> and Sarawak — Nanta – BorneoPost Online <b>...</b> Posted: 01 Jul 2014 12:35 PM PDT KUALA LUMPUR: The Rural and Regional Development Ministry will set up three rural transformation centres (RTCs) in Sabah and Sarawak soon. Its deputy minister Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi said two of the RTCs would be built in Sabah, the first time for the state. The other would be built in Sarawak, the second for the state after the first RTC in Miri, the building of which started in June and expected to be ready this September, he said in reply to a question from Senator Datuk Lihan Jok in the Dewan Negara yesterday. "Basically, the government only allows the setting up of one RTC in each state, but since Sabah and Sarawak are big states, there will be two RTCs in each of these two states." Nanta said his ministry was waiting for a proposal from the Sarawak Rural Development Ministry on a suitable site for the state's second RTC. He said the RTC would provide various facilities including National Registration Department and Social Welfare Department counters, FAMA office, a dental clinic and business lots for local traders. Nanta said seven Mini RTCs were currently operating in Sarawak, namely in Kuching, Bau, Miri, Sri Aman and Sibu. — Bernama ![]() |
Call to help alcoholics in <b>Sabah</b> - The Borneo Post Online Posted: 10 May 2014 09:55 AM PDT KOTA KINABALU: The Intervention Group for Alcohol Misuse (IGAM) Sabah under the Malaysian Medical Relief Society has proposed that alcoholic beverage producers in Malaysia set up a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics. Dr Wilfred John Samuel, the deputy chairperson of IGAM Sabah, said that companies which earn money from producing and selling alcoholic beverages should be responsible for the rehabilitation or intervention for those who are categorized as alcoholics in the state and the country. "There is currently no rehabilitation center for those who are facing alcohol-addiction problems, so alcoholics in Sabah can only be treated at the mental institution here, and that is not suitable," he said. Dr Wilfred, who was speaking to the Borneo Post after conducting the IGAM Workshop at the Tang Dynasty Park Hotel in Karamunsing yesterday, said that to date, there is only one support group known as Anonymous Alcoholic (AA) for alcoholics in Sabah. "The AA group is a support group for sober alcoholics and alcoholics who are trying to stop drinking, in which it serves as a platform for them to share and discuss on the ways to stay sober and avoid relapsing," he stated. However, Samuel said, that the AA group is not enough to help reduce alcoholics throughout Sabah, which is the reason for IGAM to organize the IGAM Workshop every year since 2007 which aims to train local community leaders from different parts of Sabah to become trainers. "The objective of the workshop was to develop grassroots leaders who would have the capacity to organize community-based alcohol intervention programmes in their respective locality and village," he added. Over 60 local community leaders attended the workshop, and 90% of them attended the workshop for the first time. To date, the workshop which is held for the 7th time this year, had produced more than 300 trainers for the alcohol prevention programme. "We also want the people of Sabah to understand the relationship between culture and drinking. "Sabahans often believe that drinking alcohol is part of their culture. It is true that some races in Sabah like the KadazanDusun and Rungus have the custom of drinking homemade alcoholic beverages, however, drinking until one is drunk is never part of any culture. "It is the matter of the amount of the drink. For example, if drinking coffee is a culture, it does not mean that people should drink seven glasses of coffee at one time," he explained and at the same time pointed out that Sabahans' mindset of drinking alcohol should be changed. Other than that, the workshop yesterday also explained the harm and danger of drinking excessive alcohol. "Being drunk is also called being intoxicated, and toxic is poison, which means being intoxicated is when someone's body is poisoned," Samuel clarified. Another issue which was highlighted during the workshop was the financial ability of the locals to purchase alcohol beverages. "The National Statistics Department had ranked Sabah the poorest state in Malaysia. After conducting some research, we found that a lot of the people who have the habit of drinking spent a lot of money in a year for alcohol, and we want to help them stop," he stressed. Meanwhile, Dr Wendy Shoesmith, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) revealed the figure from her research in the year 2011 that 17% of the population of Sabah were heavy alcohol drinkers, and about 50% of them drink in a hazardous way. Her research also indicated that 25% of the population in Kota Belud, Kota Marudu, Kudat and Pitas were heavy alcohol drinkers, and half of them drank in a hazardous way. "The problem we have in Sabah is binge drinking, but only less than 1% of Sabah's population are alcohol-dependent," she said. The workshop was organized by IGAM in collaboration with UMS and the Sabah State Health Department. ![]() |
Facebook <b>Sabah</b> Sarawak Keluar Malaysia - <b>Berita</b> Semasa Posted: 10 Aug 2014 08:37 PM PDT Facebook Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia : Ibarat situasinya seperti Texas mendesak keluar USA. Nampaknya akhir-akhir beberapa halaman Facebook melibatkan negeri Sabah Sarawak di mana terdapat gerakan yang mengumpul seberapa ramai orang yang ingin membawa Sabah dan Sarawak keluar dari Malaysia. 1) Pernah mereka-mereka ini terfikir terlebih dahulu apalah nasib anak-anak Sarawak yang bekerja mencari rezeki di Semenanjung sekiranya Sarawak keluar dari Malaysia? Untuk pengetahuan negeri Johor mempunyai penduduk kaum Iban teramai selepas Sarawak iaitu terdapat kira-kira 30,000 ke 40,000 kaum Iban yang berada di sana untuk bekerja. Jika mereka terus di sana mereka akan terpaksa membuat passport, apply permit kerja, apply visa dan sebagainya. Itu akan sedikit sebanyak menyusahkan mereka dan mengurangkan pendapatan mereka. Atau adakah semua orang Sarawak yang bekerja di Semenanjung akan dipanggil pulang? Adakah kerajaan baru Sarawak nanti dapat menjamin mereka semua akan mendapat pekerjaan yang setaraf atau lebih jika mereka semua dipanggil pulang? Sumber :
2) Apa nasib orang-orang Sarawak yang berkahwin dengan penduduk Semenanjung? Bagaimanakah status kerakyatan mereka? 3) Bagaimana juga dengan nasib puluhan ribu orang Sarawak yang kerja sektor awam peringkat persekutuan/federal yang pasti akan kehilangan kerja jika Sarawak keluar Malaysia? Ada lagi yang anda mahu tambah? Wawasan 2020 sudah semakin dekat. Sepatutnya kita sama-sama majukan minda, sama-sama majukan diri. Bukannya diugut-ugut. Yang benarlah, Berita Semasa akui Borneo ramai yang susah. Di semenanjung pun ada juga yang susah. Jikalau tidak suka kerajaan sekarang, gunakan saluran anda di jalan betul melalui saluran Pilihanraya. Janganlah mengeruhkan hubungan antara rakyat Malaysia. Cukuplah, janganlah bermain api sepatutnya carilah punca dan jalan penyelesaian antara kerajaan negeri Sabah, Sarawak, Kerajaan Malaysia, NGO yang terlibat. Sama-sama majukan bangsa.
Sefahaman Berita Semasa, bagi Sabah dan Sarawak mereka mempunyai undang-undang yang berbeza dari Semenanjung Malaysia kerana mereka membentuk Malaysia, undang-undang yang berbeza ialah isu tanah dan imegresen. Hasil-hasil pelaburan tempatan dan asing macam di Sarawak dan Sabah adalah hak milik kerajaan negeri. Jadi, andaikata Sabah Sarawak Miskin pasti Raja Sarawak Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud bekas Ketua Menteri Sarawak dan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Musa Aman pasti ada jawapannya. Ehem…. Keharmonian kaum dan agama di Sarawak
Tetapi janganlah perpecahan dijadikan pilihan terbaik bagi menyelesaikan masalah berbangkit seperti ini.
Sekarang negara kita Malaysia diperhatikan seluruh dunia. Dengan isu MAS, isu LCS (Laut China Selatan)….politik dan ditambah kelantangan mengutuk Israel, Suluk, isu Tanjung Datu dengan Indonesia. Berita Semasa mahu melihat sendiri kita semua hidup berbaik-baik sesama rakyat. Bukannya dok api-api isu Sabah Sarawak keluar Malaysia.
Bagi Berita Semasa sendiri, kita semua sepatutnya berganding bahu. Zaman sudah berubah. Isu-isu baru dan badai ekonomi dan sosial akan timbul. Kita kena bersedia. P/S: Perpecahan membawa lebih banyak keburukan berbanding kebaikan PP/S : Dalam pada masa yang sama kerajaan Malaysia perlu lebih peka, jangalah diam seribu bahasa mengenai permintaan dan harapan mereka supaya hak-hak Sabah & Sarawak tanpa perlu dan kedengaran cakap-cakap mahu keluar Malaysia PPP/S : Apa pendapat rakyat Malaysia sekalian, adakah Sarawak patut kekal dalam Malaysia ataupun keluar membentuk sebuah negara merdeka? Gambar Facebook Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia VS Anti Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia![]() |
Strong winds, rough seas warning for <b>Sabah</b> - The Borneo Post Online Posted: 22 Jul 2014 05:26 PM PDT KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Meteorological Department issued a strong winds and rough seas warning for Sabah in the wake of typhoon Matmo which was detected 1,908 kilometres southeast of Kudat, Sabah at 2am this morning. The typhoon detected at Latitude 23.6 North and Longitude 120.9 East is moving in a northwesterly direction in the region at an estimated speed of 20 kilometres an hour, according to a statement by the department. Following the development, northwesterly winds with speeds from 40 to 50 km/hr and waves as high as 3.5 metres are expected to persist in the waters of Perlis, Kedah and Kudat in Sabah, Palawan, Reef North, Condore and Layang-Layang till tomorrow, the statement said. The situation is dangerous to small boats, recreational activities and water sports, the statement added. -Bernama We encourage commenting on our stories to give readers a chance to express their opinions; please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. While the comments here reflect the views of the readers, they are not necessarily that of Borneo Post Online. Borneo Post Online reserves the right not to publish or to remove comments that are offensive or volatile. Please read the Commenting Rules. ![]() |
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