<b>Berita</b> Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna <b>Sabah</b> Polis? - <b>Berita</b> Semasa Berita Sabah - News 2 Sabah |
- <b>Berita</b> Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna <b>Sabah</b> Polis? - <b>Berita</b> Semasa
- SESB ensures uninterrupted power supply in <b>Sabah</b> during raya <b>...</b>
- Call for <b>Sabah</b> parties to get cabotage policy scrapped – BorneoPost <b>...</b>
- 7 countries to take part in <b>Sabah</b> TCTP next month – BorneoPost <b>...</b>
- PAS <b>Sabah</b> will not tolerate those insulting Islam – BorneoPost <b>...</b>
<b>Berita</b> Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna <b>Sabah</b> Polis? - <b>Berita</b> Semasa Posted: 13 Jul 2014 08:19 PM PDT Berita Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna Sabah. Polis Mati Dibunuh & Kena Culik. Abu Sayyaf Serang? Balas Dendam : Sebenarnya Pulau-pulau di Tumur Sabah, selatan Filipina sangatlah cantik terutamanya Pualu Mabul dan Mataking. Memang eksotik, tetapi dek kerana lanun yang tidak bertamadun inilah yang telah "mencabul" keharmonian dan keindahan Pulau Mabul Sabah ketika ini. Sekarang ini, hanya Tawau, Kunak yang dilihat lebih selamat. Semuanya dek kerana berita terkini polis mati di Pulau Mabul Sabah manakala seorang lagi anggota polis telah diculik oleh lanun-lanun ini. Nampaknya…. Nampaknya siri Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014 yang dilancarkan sangat mencabar kali ini. Pastinya Nazri Aziz dan juga anaknya Nedim Nazri Aziz (KLIK SINI) terbeban dengan berita-berita seperti tidak cukup dengan siri penculikan, serangan seksual dan juga pembunuhan warga asing (SUMBER DI SINI) pastinya menyulitkan lagi siri promosi berterusan Tahun melawat Malaysia 2014. Harap tiada lagi kenyataan seperti ini dikeluarkan Kronologi Berita Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna Sabah?
8 suspek kes polis mati di Pulau Mabul Semporna Sabah ini tidak boleh dipandang mudah. Kumpulan komando dan militan pastinya akan bila-bila masa untuk datang menceroboh semula perairan Sabah untuk menculik dan meminta wang tebusan Berita Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna Sabah : Biodata Koperal Abdul Rajah Bin Jamuan (Kena Tembak)
Berita Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna Sabah : Biodata Konstabel Zakiah Bin Aleip (Kena Culik)
P/S : Adakah Abu Sayyaf yang serang Pulau Mabul Semporna Sabah kali ini sebagai balas dendam selepas pasukan komando Malaysia berjaya menyusuf masuk ke kem Abu sayyaf untuk menyelamatkan tebusan rakyat China pada minggu lepas? Berita asal anda boleh semak pada gambar-gambar dikongsikan di bawah ini…. PP/S : Nasihat Berita Semasa elakkan pada ketika ini pergi ke Pulau di Timur Sabah. "sangat panas" ketika ini…. PPP/S : Yang menarik berdasarkan semakan Berita Semasa ada juga pengganas Sulu di Malaysia mempunyai hak mengundi seperti anda. Hebat bukan? Buktinya juga ada di bawah ini… Lagi Gambar Berita Terkini Pulau Mabul Semporna SabahInna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Al Fatihah. Salam takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham Koperal Abdul Rajah Bin Jamuan dan Semoga segera ditemui Konstabel Zakiah Bin Aleip dalam keadaan selamat. Insyaallah ![]() |
SESB ensures uninterrupted power supply in <b>Sabah</b> during raya <b>...</b> Posted: 25 Jul 2014 08:36 PM PDT KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) has deployed more than 500 staff on rotational duty round the clock to handle any power disruption during the Aidilfitri, which is expected to fall on Monday. SESB said in a statement that 400 of the staff were from the distribution division, 100 from generation and 42 from transmission and operating system. "This preparation and monitoring can reduce any disruption to the minimum," it said. SESB expressed confidence that several initiatives it had taken would have a positive impact on the electricity supply system in Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan. It advised consumers to contact the SESB hotline at 15454 or 088-515000 if they faced any power supply disruption, and said all complaints would be attended to immediately. It said the SESB management and staff extended Aidilfitri greetings to all consumers. — BERNAMA We encourage commenting on our stories to give readers a chance to express their opinions; please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. While the comments here reflect the views of the readers, they are not necessarily that of Borneo Post Online. Borneo Post Online reserves the right not to publish or to remove comments that are offensive or volatile. Please read the Commenting Rules. ![]() |
Call for <b>Sabah</b> parties to get cabotage policy scrapped – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Posted: 09 Jul 2014 09:33 AM PDT KOTA KINABALU: All political parties in Sabah should work together to ensure the abolishment of the cabotage policy before the year of 2020. Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Jimmy Wong yesterday said that the cabotage policy is the reason why Sabah is backwards in terms of development when compared to other states in Peninsular Malaysia. He said the cabotage policy, among others, had resulted in higher costs for businesses to operate in Sabah. "Although investors are keen to come, the cost of doing business is simply too high. Despite the available labour, they still would not come for the same reason," he lamented. Aside from the high costs of doing business in Sabah, Wong said the prices of goods, including properties, have also been high, all thanks to the cabotage policy. "For 30 years, there has been unending calls for the abolishment of the cabotage policy, which only benefits a few Malaysian shipping companies/agencies," he alleged. The victims of the cabotage policy are the common folks residing in Sabah who have to pay more for the same services and goods, he said. Jimmy added Malaysia should emulate Singapore, Japan and Australia, which do not have a cabotage policy. "Yet, their shipping industry is thriving," he said. He added that after 30 years of protection, the shipping industry in Malaysia should already be able to stand on their own feet instead of being protected by the policy. "If those who have received protection after 30 years are still not independent … how can we strive towards a high income nation? This government policy hinders the growth of the nation," he said. He reminded that there are many small industries in Sabah and they have never received such protection. "They had to operate in unfavorable conditions. They had to pay high electricity and water rate as compared to industries established in Peninsular Malaysia. The poor and the common folks residing in rural Sabah are the ones that have to pay the highest price," he said. "Even from birth, Sabahans already have to pay 30 percent more for the cost of living here as compared to Peninsular Malaysia," Jimmy said. ![]() |
7 countries to take part in <b>Sabah</b> TCTP next month – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Posted: 15 Jul 2014 09:15 AM PDT KOTA KINABALU: The Third Country Training Programme in Sabah, or better known as Sabah TCTP, will be held from August 7-28 this year. Themed 'Integrated Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Training Course', the event will attract 18 participants from seven nations, including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Uganda. Sabah TCTP is jointly organised by the Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah state government through the National Resources Office of Sabah (NRO) in collaboration with Japanese government through its Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects implementing agency, JICA and Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) under the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The current series of the Sabah TCTP is in its second cycle of implementation which will run over a three-year period commencing from 2013 to 2015. The first cycle ran from 2009 to 2011. Acting director of ITBC Prof Dr Charles Santhanaraju Vairappan, Sabah has one of the best conservation practices in Malaysia to be shared with the participants. Sabah TCTP aims to provide relevant knowledge and skills on conservation management from planning to implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The three-week programme also aims to introduce and emphasise the idea of integrated effort between implementing agencies and the locals for better understanding of alternative livelihood in conservation, as well as to facilitate interaction and sharing of experiences, learning process and evaluation on conservation projects. "TCTP is an important avenue to foster close working relationship on environmental education between state agencies and UMS to showcase Sabah as a champion of environmental conservation." He said the Sabah TCTP was unique because it was funded by both the Malaysian and Japanese governments. "The total budget for the first cycle is RM900,000 while that of the second cycle is RM1.252 million," he said. The training programme encompasses knowledge and skill acquirement pertaining to integration, planning and fund acquisition, implementation of research and education, implementation of park management, implementation of habitat management, and implementation of public awareness. The training approaches include formal classroom lectures, as well as extensive field visits to protected areas, interactions with local communities living in and at the peripheral of the protected areas and discussion with conservation practitioners on the ground. Sabah TCTP has its roots from the 'Bornean Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation Programme' (BBEC). Aimed at conserving the endangered and precious biodiversity and natural ecosystems of Sabah, the BBEC programme is a technical cooperation programme among three parties, namely Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah State Government and the Japanese Government through its Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects implementing agency, JICA. The BBEC Programme was implemented in two successive phases, Phase 1 and 2, in Sabah. Since its inception in 2002, the programme has been carried out for a period of more than 10 years. It was the aspiration of all those involved in BBEC Programme that the conservation model developed during Phase 1 of this programme to be nationally shared within Malaysia, and internationally recognized. Motivated by this aspiration, during Phase 2 of the BBEC Programme, one of the main outputs identified was for UMS, Sabah state agencies, and other related organizations to conduct training on biodiversity and ecosystem conservation for both foreign and local trainees, based on Sabah's experiences and knowledge gained through the BBEC Programme. Eventually this has led to the development of the Sabah TCTP, which has been incorporated as one of the main annual activities of MTCP since 2009. Also present were Sabah TCTP coordinators Dr Bakhtiar Effendi Yahya and Dr Mahadi Menakbar Mohd Dawood. ![]() |
PAS <b>Sabah</b> will not tolerate those insulting Islam – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Posted: 06 Jul 2014 04:01 PM PDT KOTA KINABALU: PAS Sabah and Muslims will not tolerate any party or individual issuing statements or comments insulting or humiliating Islam, its prophet Muhammad SAW or even other religions, said its Deputy Commissioner III, Hamid Ismail. He was referring to the offending comment on July 4 about Prophet Muhammad SAW by David Orok in his Facebook. "PAS Sabah views David Orok's comment as an insult to Prophet Muhammad SAW and Islam. I believe Muslims in Sabah and Malaysia would be very angry if they read the offending comment. I stress that PAS Sabah and Muslims will not tolerate any party or individual issuing statements or comments insulting or humiliating Prophet Muhammad SAW or Islam. The relevant authorities must act against those parties or individuals issuing such statement or comment. "On the other hand, Islam also does not allow Muslims to insult any other religion. It was believed that some groups of Muslims have insulted other religions openly and we do not agree with their actions too," he said. Orok, who was the State Reform Party candidate for the Sulaman constituency in the 13th General Election, made the comment in social media, where it was screenshot by many individuals and shared not only in Facebook but also Twitter and blogs by netizens. After the comment went viral on the Internet, Orok posted another status in his Facebook apologising to Muslims, saying that the comment was not posted by him and blamed 'irresponsible people' for posting it. Hamid, in his statement yesterday also said everyone should exercise restraint and good judgment when commenting or discussing on Islam. "You may think your opinion on certain matters is right based on your reading of a few Quranic verses and hadith. But your opinion may be wrong because you have not read the other Quranic verses and hadith concerning those matters. "This is what happened in David Orok's case. His offending comment on Prophet Muhammad SAW can be proven to be a lie, misleading and totally wrong if we refer to other relevant Quranic verses and hadith on the contents of his comment. "However, I personally commend David Orok for apologizing to the Muslims on his Facebook on July 5. It shows that he understands the effect of his comment and wishes to maintain the harmony that we have in Sabah. "I respectfully hope he can delete the offending comment and avoid from making comments of similar content again in the future if he is truly honest in his apology. I note that David Orok had posted some verses and hadith on July 5 (prior to posting his apology) to justify his offending comment. I hope he can delete that post too because I find those verses and hadith do not justify his comment," he added. Hamid also called the people not only in Sabah but Malaysia to live in peace and harmony. He said ridiculing and degrading other religions would destroy the unity in this multi-religious state. "Let's prove to the entire Malaysia that we in Sabah can tolerate each other despite our differences in race and religion. "Since PAS, Umno and certain NGOs have lodged police reports against David Orok, PAS Sabah will leave it to the police to take further action on this matter," he said. Hamid, in his statement also said that he noted David Orok had posted a status on July 5 indicating that if non-Muslims were the subject of humiliation and vindication, Muslims would not lodge a police report about it. "On this matter, David Orok may not have known that PAS Sabah, through me, had lodged a police report in December 2013 about a Facebook page insulting Christians in Sabah. The case is still being investigated by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission," he stressed. ![]() |
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